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Possible cheater on Atlanta 68

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So I just rented and started this server last week so I am kind of new to what and what is not a hack.

A guy came on a bit ago named TDF.

He was talking in side chat which is not enabled on the server so that was kind of fishy.

He was also not showing up in the GUI RCon player list but that might have just been lag because I was able to kick him from the player list in game.

So is being able to get in side chat a hack or script of some kind?

If it was just some bug and I kicked him for no reason sorry but was just trying to be safe.


This occurred around 3:50AM CDT (GMT/UTC-5)

Was around 1:30-1:40 PM server time.


We first saw the blue sidechat text after a guy in what looked like a land rover drove through our camp, not sure if it was a coincidence or what.

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