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Customize your outward appearance !!!

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Yo guys,

idk if theres a suggestion like that out there, but even if it is - this is worth another one^^

Sooo... I want more personalyzed character appearance. Why?

If u roam around with comrads It´s hard to tell who hes ur friend or who is a stranger by sight. U have to aim down on him or ask him via skype what hes doing right now - well ... than it can be to late and the bandit u just took for your friend allready killed you!

Or -what is worse- u mistake an ally for a bandit and kill him by mistake -.- ...

My point is:

Its simply not realistic. If you´d be running around with a friend in real life you could identify him by sight since u know his features, hight and clothing!

Of course I dont want Skyrim-like character creation (thats stupid and just not needed) but if u could choose out of some options some clothes for your character it would be more realistic and more convienient when goind around in a group!

lg, Streicherov

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Yeah, I was killed because a friendly couldn't read maps, nor tell basic directions (left from right) told me he was somewhere he wasn't, and when I looked I seen a person, thought it was him. Open my map to help guide me, and the player I seen blasted me.

Sure, a customized character (more than face and skin color) might have helped, but so would knowing BASIC FREAKING DIRECTIONS!

But yeah, I don't think the engine allows for a change of height, and skins are fairly limited for now, so that doesn't look like it will be changed any time soon.

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I imagine with some pack / pbo / etc. you can add a number of more skins or uniforms to increase diversity.

They could be used just like camo / ghillie / civilan clothing then, distributed via "loot".

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I memorize my teammates' weapons and stay in constant comm with them. A grouping feature should be implemented within the game so we can establish our own server-based communication with comprimisation.

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Or just make basic survivor clothes theme based.


Blue Survivor clothes

Black survivor clothes

Grey survivor clothes

Black with Blue shirt etc


Make their colors permanent.

So if you start with blue clothes and yellow shirt you stay that way for everybody until you find other clothes or die.

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