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Receiving Data and Subsquent Time out.

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Hello all - Been seeing a lot of footage on youtube and looked into getting ArmaII and OA so i could get onto DayZ. Anyway - long story short, got it, followed the insturctions on how to install it and had a bit of an issue with it.

(Steam Version ArmaII and OA - Six Launcher Instillation and launcher)

It installed fine, everything is where it needs to be.

The server browser takes a minute or two to update, but after that no issues.

The issues start once I want to join a server. I click join and its does its loading thing and it will take me to the joining teams screen and show the list of players. I click on OK and it downloads the mission file (sometimes it will stay at 0 k/bs / 0 k/bs and other time it goes through another loading screen and takes me back to the player list with "Receiving Data" except data is never received and I get a "No message received in XX".

I have checked firewall settings, done several reinstalls, reinstalled batleye and copied files over from Arma II - pretty much if you suggest it I have done it.

I realise it is an Alpha mod still, and might just have to accept that it is having trouble with the University netowrk (Been here for 2.5 years, never had trouble with games connecting before, so don't suggest that and about port opening and stuff :P). Unless a fix can be offered I guess I shall wait until I go home in October.

Any help would be appreciated, otherwise see you all at the end of the year.

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Schultzy I had an issue with NMR for almost a day before I got the to the root of the issue. Check to see your Firewall settings. I had mine setup correctly, however my computer came from the factory with McAfee installed. Even with it "disabled" it was effecting my Firewall settings. I removed McAfee and instantly my NMR error went away and I have been playing every since.

I tried to do similar things like Fresh Copies of the game etc, but the solution was simple. Let me know if you have any other issues or if it works for that matter. I helped one other person who had the same issue!

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No, no McAfee I'm afraid. Tried running with Windows Firewall off and AVG off, still to no avail - added path and file exceptions anyway - to no avail.

Its definitely a networking issue as there is the little red chain coming up, but I just don't know WHAT exactly is stopping the game from working.

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