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DE #43 Admin abuse

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Okay so I registered to post this because what happened was proper bullshit.

So ol' Tyrone found this GAZ from Krasno after scouting for two hours for vehicles all around Cherno, missing only one frontwheel, Tyrone being smart wanting to use that car he goes on all the way to Berezino to get a spare. When the trips out and the cars rolling and its Tyrones first time in a vehicle in this game Tyrones all pretty excited like any would be.

Not too much of this fun tho, the serverchat on the left starts to "xxx wants Tompson to become an admin" then "Tompson wants Tompson to become and admin" and Tompson became admin. Then Tompson proceeded to instantly kick Tyrone from the server. Tyrone was afraid to log back on incase admins have power to kill his character or simply ban Tyrone.

Now Tyrones sad. No car no fun.

Edit: Can anyone become an admin on certain servers by just other people voting them to?

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I just tried to log on to DE #43 . . got kicked off twice doing nothing but logging in. Looks like a moron is running it atm.

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Got kicked off from the server aswell. Happend right now (01.07.2012 13:06 GMT+1).

Admin name was thompson

People who did not got kicked from the server was:

Mr.Trololo.Rus (admin too)


Thoose people remained on the server after i got kicked like 10 times

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Just happend to me to.


And there are a few players who doesnt get kicked!

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