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MOVIE: 800 meter leading sniper kill

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First time using this rifle, leading a sprinting guy at almost 1km, had to adjust for speed and elevation but I got em.

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Now why did you shoot him again? He was coming to kill you? No... He had amazing gear that you wanted? No... He was threatening you in some way? No... Oh I know why! You're just showing how much of an amazing sniper you are! Please teach me your leet ways oh great sniper :rolleyes:

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First time using this rifle' date=' leading a sprinting guy at almost 1km, had to adjust for speed and elevation but I got em.


are you sure this is the right game for you ?? i think not ...

if you wan't a score shooter play COD or BF

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To be fair... there is a bloody helicopter there. I would kill for a helicopter.

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Yeah I killed him for the chopper.

But just for the carebears, yes I would have killed him anyway.

I feed on the sweet milk of your tears.

Right now I'm up on a hillside shooting people.

Hell I'm not even looting, I just want to see them die.

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