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Hammertime Overpoch Napf Dedicated

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We are a server that has been running for a good while now, recently switched to a dedicated server (4 days ago or so) which is running beautifully. Still got a few bits and pieces to get up and running but now is a fantastic time to get involved as it was a full reset on the buildings and bases and everyone is back to square one. If you are interested then please head across and check us out! You will have fun :)


We are a group of people who enjoy playing games together, or simply talking.
We enjoy a hassle free, and mature conversations.

We want players who enjoy having a fun time, and are active.
We will not be having people causing arguments or fights. Doing so COULD result in a ban. Just come along, have fun and get involved.

Our administrators and moderators are here to help, and are very friendly. 




 !!!Starter Kits for New Players!!!
Website:... http://htgaming.iclanwebsites.com/
Teamspeak: speakdls2.teamspeak.net:20839


!!!ATTENTION!!! Please be sure to join the correct server...HAMMERTIME DEDICATED OVERPOCH NAPF:

Also be sure to add the following to your Set  Launch Options in Arma 2 OA settings in Steam or in settings additional launch parameters in DayZ Launcher

-skipintro -window -noborder -noPause -nosplash -mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;






Self Blood Bag
Towing and Lifting
Snap build Pro
Salvage All Parts
AI Missions and roving patrols
IKEA Mission
Treasure Mission
Overwatch weapons and vehicles
Animated Heli Crashes
Over 300 Vehicles
Custom Loot
 Walking Zombies
Deploy Heli with Ruby
Build verticaly as well as horizontaly
Scan for Bandits/Players using the GPS
Mining areas
Take Clothes
ATM’s In Grocery Stores
Deploy Anti-Zombie Generator
with  emerald
1 Step Building

Upcoming addons

Group management

1 step trading

sell from backpack/vehicle


and more


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Onwards and Upwards, server is hitting 30-40 people at peak times currently!

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