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The who wants to group in the next 30min thread

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hey there,

are you walking through the woods and sneaking into villages all the time alone and wishing theres a mate cover your six and give a lifesaving transfusion, if you need. then this is may be the right place to find somebody for the next few hours to share some chilling zombie apocalypse atmosphere with.

i made this up because i´m not in any group or clan like many others. sometimes i´m really bored running around all alone for hours and head up from place to place. and it´s a dead issue to ask in sidechat to team up with some others in TS . but first of all, it should have to be a fast and simple way to team up with other players for a temporary group to hunt bandits or raid or loot some places, etc. .teamplay is much more fun and this is a way to do so without being in a speacial community or having any obligations except for cover your mate and being an adult teamplayer.

i think it should be done so, that someone posts to form for example a banditgroup or a raidinggroup in for example the next 40min. everyone whos interesting send him a PM and he will deliver a TS adress or something else to communicate and so on. i think you also should tell from which continent you are because of ping.

alos i think everyone who meets up with some other guy and kills him should be listed here. that´s no "hey let´s meet up and i run a bullet into your brain and grab your gear" thread.

well, lets make the beginning.

i´m searching for trustful people to form a group in the next 30-45min to loot some hotzones and may be hunt some bandits. playing on all european servers. i´ve got TS and i´m speaking english and german.

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Hey there,

I'm a UK player on EU servers looking for a small group also and to use teamspeak/mumble with. Bed time now but if anyone including OP wants a team mate and reads this add my steam below


Usually play 6+ hours a night but active during the day.

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