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Rotgut Overpoch Napf | EMP storm | Care Package | Insane Missions | Light Armor Tanks | PVP | PVE & more!

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Greetings Survivors!




Rotgut DayZ is looking for some players! With a whole new scripts for our servers, bet you will enjoy your stay! All new members will receive a starter pack upon arrival. Talk to an admin to get it. 







_Active admins


_Self Blood Bag


_Heli Evac


_Trade from backpacks


_Trade from vehicles


_Tow / Lift


_No weight limit


_Crazy missions from easy to Extreme (AI on insane difficulty)


_Extra vehicles


_Deploy Ropes on heli


_Light Armor Tanks


_Custom AI Base & Island


_Care Package selection (deploy to your location or to a specific point on the map)


_Snap Pro


_Easy money


_EMP storm


_24/7 day light


_AI Recruitment (They serve as body guard, chauffeur or pilots)


_Gem Stone crafts home decorations


_Roaming AI (With heli and jets on insane difficulty)







Remember that admins are not here to be your shopping carts or your medic. They are only here to help if you forgot your door or safe combination, lost your vehicle keys, ect...

TP and healing will not be provided by any admins as it is not part of the game.


However, since AI Island have battle tanks, it will be wise to seek help from admins before an assault as they will assist you by providing RPG, tanks, attack helicopter or jets. Abusing them will lead to a removal of your gear and vehicle.


Offending admins will result to prison time, gear removal, ect...







If a player wish to own a battle tank, attack helicopter or jets, it will cost a total of 100 briefcases or more for each vehicles (depending on the type of the vehicle) or a donation to the rotgut server will reward you with such item.







_Armed vehicles with ammo (M2 Hummer, M240 hummer, Armored SUV, or Rocket Huey, Black Hawks, ect...) = 20 to 50 Briefcases


_Light Armor Tanks (Strykers, M113, BTR, ect...) = 70 Briefcases


_Battle Tanks (M1A1, T90A, ect...) = 100 Briefcases


_Attack Helicopter (Apache, Cobra, Mi-24D, ect...) 100 to 150 briefcases


_Jets (F35B, A-10, ect...) = 150 Briefcases







Rotgut (Owner), Donut2010, Toasty







TS3: tsla1.vilayer.com:10006 


Edited by Toasty!

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