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Ways to Kill a Zombie we would like to see possible

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I'll start this gruesome topic.
I would like to be able to, in the finished game, in no particular order:

  • Run over zombies with vehicles [not bikes though], killing them if I'm exceeding 70km/h, and crippling them at over 50km/h into crawlers.
  • Remove zombie limbs with sharp edged melee weapons or precise rifle shots, causing them to become crawlers, or armless zombies that only bite.
  • Cause zombies to die over the course of one minute from blood loss.
  • Obviously kill them via shooting to the body. I propose about 6-4 body shots required to kill a zombie with most guns, and one to two head or heartshots for instant death.
  • Decapitate or bludgeon them to death, or stab them from further away with a pitchfork.
  • Shoot zombies with arrows, killing with a head or heart shot but only causing bleeding if hitting in other locations.
  • Punch zombies to death with many hits.
  • Kill zombies with large explosions. We need more explosions, someone get Michael Bay on the phone
  • Set zombies on fire. Burn their eyes out to stop them from seeing you, or set their bodies on fire to kill them in about twenty seconds [you need to roast them a bit]
  • Push zombies off buildings or cliffs for environmental death damage.
  • Drop heavy objects on zombies to flatten them [the grand piano Kill of the Day from Zombielands, anyone?]

I do not think zombies should become unconscious though.

What am I missing?

Edited by bobotype3334
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I think we should be able to kill one with a bike (im thinking motorbike tho....you mean pushbike?) but it would throw us off and ragdoll along the floor probably killing you. Unless ofc you were wearing leather and a bike helmet :)


Like all the rest, what if for the zombie on fire attacking you....if you are carrying a jerry can (when they exist) chance for it to light and set u ablaze aswell :D


They mentioned a zombie lifeycycle so maybe we could kill them by dragging a poisoned dead body into a town and letting them feast (all depending on what/if infections effect z/s)


Would be cool if they fought eachother, idle L4D common zombies that bump into eachother as they wander sometimes get into a fight, that could be a good mechanic.


That's about alls I can think of, you got most of them in the OP lol

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  • Remove zombie limbs with sharp edged melee weapons or precise rifle shots, causing them to become crawlers, or armless zombies that only bite.
  • Obviously kill them via shooting to the body. I propose about 6-4 body shots required to kill a zombie with most guns, and one to two head/heartshots with the rest.
  • Set zombies ablaze with petrol and fire, killing them over about a minute [they can still attack you and are burning though!].

 -it would probably more kill them from the shock, and I'm not sure this engine can handle that type of gore.

-Maybe with a .22, but any weapon past that should have no problem killing them in 1-3 hits. These guys are just infected humans, not super mutants. :P

-While this is by far my favorite, it should by no means take a minute. And although they might be dulled from lesser pain being infected, I doubt the zombies are gonna just keep fighting you while on fire.


But yes on everything else. I especially want to be able to let zombies bleed out, and I may be the only person who finds that a home brewed flamethrower/defoliant projector, especially one mounted on a vehicle, would just be the best thing to take out a group of infected with without wasting ammunition. It would also look very pretty. Oh, the unconsciousness thing too, that should apply to infected.

Edited by Geckofrog7

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 -it would probably more kill them from the shock, and I'm not sure this engine can handle that type of gore.

-Maybe with a .22, but any weapon past that should have no problem killing them in 1-3 hits. These guys are just infected humans, not super mutants. :P

-While this is by far my favorite, it should by no means take a minute. And although they might be dulled from lesser pain being infected, I doubt the zombies are gonna just keep fighting you while on fire.


But yes on everything else. I especially want to be able to let zombies bleed out, and I may be the only person who finds that a home brewed flamethrower/defoliant projector, especially one mounted on a vehicle, would just be the best thing to take out a group of infected with without wasting ammunition. It would also look very pretty. Oh, the unconsciousness thing too, that should apply to infected.

If the engine can handle super realistic helicopter physics, I'm sure they could easily make it handle limbic removal. And any zombie virus worth its salt wouldn't leave the brain and body with the capability to go into shock.


I honestly can't see zombies that take about 1-3 body shots each to kill, taking over a gun filled area the size of Chernarus. It makes no sense, they'd be wiped out in seconds by all those soldiers.

Imagine a human body who does not feel pain, with the only order being received from the brain to chase down and infect new hosts. Well that's exactly what it's going to do, rather than keel over from three bullets, for as long as its muscles can continue moving. You can shoot it in the kidneys or even the lungs, but that's not going to do shit until you've shredded the body with bullets to the point where it cannot keep going, or it bleeds out.

If it bleeds out, the zombie will quickly lose the ability to get oxygen to its cells and keep moving, so it will eventually die from its injuries; but even while it's bleeding out over a minute or so, that zombie will keep moving and attacking. 

That's the sort of zombie which is a threat enough to infect all those people, a mindless, painless viral missile that needs to be basically dismantled to stop it. So 4 to 6 bullets, yeah.

With the flamethrower thing though, you're actually right. I suppose if a zombie's eyes are burned out it's not going to be able to find you to attack. So maybe they could just flail around and stop attacking when sufficiently burnt, and die properly after a minute?

Edited by bobotype3334

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I definitely think that you should be able to run over zombies seems stupid that you can run down a player but not a zombie. 

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zombies finghting each other for there meal (you) old grandpa will take a beating!!! lol!! no offense on old peolpe!!!

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