HanOfAmerica 0 Posted July 1, 2012 Well today in my group of 3,we found the off-road pickup and were seperated from the third guy, the server had a rollback so we went far back on the way to our friend and we started driving there and see a tractor!So we feel pretty set with these vehicles and boom on the other side of the lake we see a van,so we ditch it all for this thing,and pickup our friend. We give him the only GPS left and he starts driving. We are going to start looking for some heli sites and BOOM,my friend 90 degrees and hits a tree head on while the others in vehicle were looking at maps. Luckily we all lived(oddly enough the player in the back of the car took the most damage being in the back he got to 600 blood).The van despawns and we are stuck in the middle of no-where headings towards the factory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dogpatch (DayZ) 3 Posted July 1, 2012 I think this guy wins: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StealthyBrayden 6 Posted July 1, 2012 I've never had a vehicle :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
larrylongbottom 106 Posted July 3, 2012 i had just found a fully working atv with a friend after loosing our shit we jumped on, floored it, crashed, burst into flames and finally died. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tallpoppy 19 Posted July 3, 2012 I think this guy wins: i had one of those moments. found a atv (after server restart i'm guessing was rolled) in kranostav. hoped on just needed some fuel. told my group. found fuel and went back to it. TS convo went like this:ME: ok i'm heading out now with atv.them: ok were are (25 seconds later).me: (trying to supress laughter)you know that atv.them: you've crashed it already?me: well not crashed just rolled, on a trash pile.them: already how far did you move it.me: less than 5 seconds. about 2-3 metres from where i found it.them: (laughter)another one.driving a uaz (shorty 4wd) with 3 others. checked map to see where to turn next. road had a bend (near rogovo) and i went straight into a tree killed two, remaining got away with <500 blood. i had to risk cherno to get extra blood bags for my penance. I'm not allowed to drive vehicles anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lunchyyy 9 Posted July 3, 2012 Driving down the road at full speed with no lights cause I thought I was being all tactical and shit.Nek minnit smash into a wrecked car and blow up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sonido 2 Posted July 3, 2012 I think this guy wins: Rofl, I burst in tears when I saw this video :DThe amount of joy this guy must've felt.. For the 4 seconds he managed to drive, rofl!Gotta show this to my friend tommorow :P thanks for making my night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daboudibou 0 Posted July 3, 2012 We lost a UAZ because of a server restart and we didn't save it. We spent the afternoon to search for vehicles parts (4 damn wheels!) to repair it.Another one, we were 3 in a van and we were going through Zelenogorsk and we heard shots in our direction and the driver panicked and at the first intersection, he turned left and crashed directly, he managed to get out alive but died from wounds afterwards and we burned instantly with the other ahah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathHaze420 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Stupid move of the daySo, Me and my cousin find a bus. "Hey lets cruise down to Elektro"Cut to Elektro, fly thru, honking like mad. Make it to the outskirts, see a dude, running, getting chased. I... well, I honked, tried to get the zeds to aggro us... I looked back to see the dude, as well as the zeds staring at awe at our awesome bus.*BAM*Concrete barrier pops bus's tire off....When we finally got a tire, the bus was gone :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xtm059 1 Posted July 3, 2012 This one time my friends and I spent about three hours repairing the off road pickup and finding enough fuel to get us up to the desert. I hop in as soon as we're done and drive off over a hill without them....immediately into a tree. Lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HanOfAmerica 0 Posted July 3, 2012 Ok so in the OP I said I ditched the Pickup and Tractor for the van. Well yesterday ended those characters. After the van crash we go on foot to Stary, after clearing through it we look to see if the Pickup is still there and it is(without the tractor) and it was repaired too. We head to the NW Airfield I get shot and die instantly my other friend glitches on a ladder and dies instantly leaving one man alive. He heads to cherno to pick one of us up with the car and we start sniping people who look like they have good stuff and I go on a rampage with a makarov haha. Well soon enough my friend sniping gets killed by someone who ghosts behind us and kills him, I make a mad dash to the pickup because the other is killed also and I drive all the way north as far as the car can go to escape, dodging bullets, when I get really close to where we parked our car last the car gets shot at and explodes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Lz 24 Posted July 3, 2012 i cant relate in words how crazy this story is for mei was dying of hunger and thirst. i was so bad-off the screen was grey and kept blurring every 10 seconds.i kept passing out every 2 minutes.then in my haze i find the water hole just south of the nw airfield, i fill my canteens and go prone, looking at my map trying to find some easy food.all of a sudden i hear an engine..i dont move... then footsteps....then the footsteps grow fainter.. i get up and look around. 100 yards from me is a jeep or whatever it is. i get in and step on the gas.because of my hunger i cant see where im going and alert all the zeds in a barn, they chase me thru a cornfield. i realize i only have 500 blood left and wont survive. so with 12 zeds on my butt, and 500 health i turn around and start running the zeds over with the sound of yakkity sax in my head. died in the seat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Denuth 21 Posted July 3, 2012 Me and a buddy of mine found a bus, fully repaired it, and drove to cherno to pick up 4 of our friends, we were the only ones on the server so we felt pretty safe...then it happened....the bus just exploded out of no where. I had came to a complete stop, let them in. Soon as I hit the accelerator the bus just went boom. No one survived. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fonziе 159 Posted July 3, 2012 It's probably not the dumbest way, but... I found three tents with multiple AS50s, Mk 48s, L85s, M107s, camo Dragunovs and loads of ammo for them. I didn't have a car at that particular moment, so I just ran around and managed to find a pickup truck. I loaded the stuff into the car and drove it off to our camp up north. We then decided to move the car back to somewhere near the tents I found because our camp had been discovered. So, imagine two dudes in ghillie suits, equipped with NVGs, GPS devices, having the rarest guns in the game with the car having those rare guns too. Now, imagine them hitting a tree, the car exploding and the ghillie dudes dying.We have bounced back pretty nicely though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 86 Posted July 3, 2012 Saw four guys moving a Hilux at night. My bud and I decided not to engage. We were outnumbered, probably outgunned, had had goodies of our own we didn't want to risk. Not 5 minutes later we see 4 people die simultaneously. We recognize the names. We laughed our asses off. If only we knew where it had spawned.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
damonxwind 4 Posted July 4, 2012 Let me preface this post with a question.WHO THE FUCK CAMPS ORLOVETZ?I mean really? What are the odds that the asshole who camps Orlovetz, and the crew of 4 with a red sedan cross paths?One Winchester shot and our driver STOPS, asks if we should kill him, and the vehicle is promptly disabled. We get out to engage using superior numbers and weaponry, and the fucker shoots the car more and blows it up. One casualty, three wounded, no car, no car parts for the UAZ we were going to repair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk24 94 Posted July 4, 2012 Went to Vybor to fill up some jerry cans with a buddyOur military offroad was fully packed with gear but still had a red engine blockZombies swarmed us, I went full retard and crashed into a tree, sending us back to hell in a giant fireballWe were able to retrieve our gear and even our vehicle(after a server restart) after thatThe gear was gone though....too badI later realized that instead of trying to follow the road, which resulted in the car speeding up rapidly because of the different ground speed of the gas station/road, I could've simply went straight forward into the open field....DAYUM! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 11 Posted July 4, 2012 Well, here's a funny story. I have a team, that is starting to play DayZ the way its meant to be played. However, we're still fresh, using TS as a limited communication tool (with all the noises and focus needed).Intro's asside, we were helping our "medic" to achieve an Alice Pack in Elektro's Powerplant, and at the same time our "scout" was reaching post office building. We had Two snipers (me and Knoch), always peeking the city.The "scout" (Boltzmann) saw a guy entering post office. We coulnd't had a clear shot. (I forgot to tell you, that we killed one guy in Post Office roof, and his two teammates logout, afraid). So, Boltzmann looted that guy, for a weapon, and waited at one of the exits, while me and Knoch were aiming at the other. Our "medic" (Jydro) was at the Powerplant with our "Riffleman" (Scorp). We waited for like 2minutes with Boltzmann complaining about the adrenaline rush (ahah).Until, he said:Boltzmann: God damn it, a TANK!! (we had previous experiences with tanks {hackers}).Me: Let's logout!Boltzmann: No wait, its a BUS! A freaking bus!And there it was, reaching Elektro's Powerplant crossing some houses. Me and Knoch (the snipers) shot the bus, and killed the driver.And then, the chaos was installed.Boltzmann ran to the bus, and saw two other guys, we proned, and waited for our signal. I ordered the medic to run up to the hill (our safe spot), and asked the Riffleman for status report. Knoch went like crazy and ran to the bus, and somehow, we managed to kill 3guys around the bus. At the end, Boltzmann was like:I'm bleeding! I can't move! I'm unconscious.Scorp: Dude, I have morphine! Oh wait, I don't! WAAAAAAAAAAAAHKnoch: I have morphine and an Epi-pen.He managed to give him both and still, Boltzmann:I can't move!!!!! WHAT DA FUCK!Me: Me and Medic, going down!We waited 3minutes, Boltz was back up (He managed to loot an L92 --«), and Scorp was trying to retrieve the bus! Knoch said: It's missing a wheel!Me: Let's search the powerplant for some wheels! All of us: Nothing! Clear! Empty.When, in the middle of nowhere, AK Shots were fired. Boltzmann : I bleeding out, let's run!!We all ran like crazies, to the woods, for the sake of our lifes (I forgot to mention we're playing on a Clan Server).After running for 3-4 minutes heading north, Scorp says: Oh shit, I have a wheel on my backpack.Badum tss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VLG Castiel 3 Posted July 4, 2012 We found a jeep out of gas. Parked near an industrial area, I looked for Jerry Cans while my partner stayed watching the vehicle with a sniper from afar. One hour later I'm coming back with two Jerry Cans, partner gets bored and Alt+Tabs to see a video on youtube, comes back to the game and the vehicle is gone.Bloody incompetent partners, I tell you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninami 37 Posted July 4, 2012 We found an ATV. Fixed it with fuel tank, engine and fuel. We get to a city, so my friend climbs off and start running. I alt+TAB out to look at the map. A minute later I get back to the game and BAM, the ATV is on fire and I'm unconscious for like 10 minutes or more. I have zombies eating my face so my friend start attacking them, but drops his backpack by mistake (no idea how) so yeah, we kinda went on a fail-streak... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy P 2 Posted July 4, 2012 Let my friend drive our bus as I had a phone call. He sees another of our friends on a bike who we were trying to meet up with, he tries to run the friend down and goes off road and blows up the tires. We decided to give the bus a proper send off with my .50 just outside Cherno, the zombies didn't like it... But we all lived.Another time I spent about 2 hours fixing the van south of the factory, let my friend drive it, he does a U-turn and it instantly explodes on a pile of rubble he clearly missed on both our screens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 61 Posted July 4, 2012 Well me n my friends were raising another's camp and found and atv n dirt bike. I get in the dirt bike with a passenger and he gets on the atv with a passenger. We start riding away when the server lags and he rides up the back of me and knocks us off the bike. The atv flipped over and as thier heeling explodes killing one of my teammates. So we lost both the atv n dirt bike and both were loaded with gear! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RIGHTLY 87 Posted July 4, 2012 I found a red car just outside Guglovo. I had to log out though so I went further into the trees and logged out next to it. The next day I log back into the same server thinking "ah I bet someone took it" but I logged in, and to my surprise, its still there next to me! It had hardly any fuel in it though, so I started to drive to Novy Sobor. Eventually the car runs out of fuel about half way so I continue on foot to find some jerry cans. I looted a barn and found TWO jerry cans! I couldnt believe my luck. I followed the road until I eventually found it again on the side of the road. Some other player was checking it out. I told him that the car was mine and to back away from it. He ran off, and just as I was about to start refueling it... SESSION LOST. The. Server. Fucking. Restarted. After. All. That. Then about an hour later I die to a bug.Good times... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
durux 2 Posted July 4, 2012 This is how a friend of mine lost a car.Two of my friends(Let's call them Lucky and Bob), where raiding the NW Airfield.They went through the NWA from south to north and back from north to south.Bob being the sniper with a BAF AS50 and Lucky doing the looting.So after they successfully raided the NWA, they found the car hidden in some trees.They where happy with the find, Lucky doing the awesome driving.So they went south to the hill of Veresnik.Look and behold, they find a Heli crash. They went hide the car in some trees.So Bob was thinking to put some stuff in the trunk before going to loot the site.Lucky not being the fastest man in the world, was still in the car.Bob trying to open the trunk, fired the BAF AS50 into the trunk blowing up the car.Lucky survived with 83 blood after bandaging and with no bloodpacks.Then the "Server will be restarting in 120 seconds" message came up (DAMN IT).So they are forced to log out and look and behold, the crash is ofcourse gone after the restart.Lucky actually made it back to Base Camp, with a couple of "naps" along the way.The moral of the story, is:DON'T lockpick a trunk with a 50 caliber sniper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites