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Hey there i just started playing this game today and was wondering if i could get a guide of sorts. Some one to play along side with just for a few to help me get down the basics then after i wouldnt mind a companion! i have skype and mumble so comunication is no issue! PLEASE HELP A NOOB OUT! i love this game i love the ideas behind it and i wish to be better at it!

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Add me on skype "yahhzoo" anyone on this thread feel free to we can group up and survive!

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If you are interested in joining me and a few friends who are currently playing, come onto our teamspeak: ts.101stdivision.net:30047

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My skype name is keith.stewart.mason, looking for some guys to team up with. I'm playing GMT time mostly in evenings/weekends.

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If you are looking for friends, and people to play with in the north America, you might consider my group. Feel free to join and invite anyone you trust and think would make a good addition to the clan.

Dayz Froggers; http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayzFroggers

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