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Experimental 0.51.125504

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This Wednesday's Experimental branch update should be downloading to your PCs now for those opt'ing in to this branch. Most of this weeks work has been on the programming and animation side, so you won't see any of that today. However there are several security, and content changes in today's branch update.

Including, but not limited to:

  • Improvised ghillie head piece
  • Improvised ghillie chest piece
  • Improvised camoflage for rifles
  • Server side memory management bugfixing
  • Addressed several issues with throwing of grenades
  • General bugfixing for gameplay systems

As well as plenty of other changes, enhancements, modifications, and bug squashing that we'll let you all discover on your own. Experimental branch servers are temporarily not announcing restart schedules while we update the scheduling system to adapt to server side changes - so be careful out there!

Per usual, every experimental branch update also includes a purge of the experimental hive - so don't be too concerned if you spawn in fresh.

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