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Health by movement

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since we have so many status effects now, Besides adding limping movement when your leg is broken, your walking and running gait should be changed with corrosponding levels of illness, starvation, dehydration. This will help eliminate status messages and make it more immersive and realistic.


If you are red sickness, starving or dying of thirst, you should have a near shambling walk similar to the zombies and only be able to jog for a few seconds. If you're in the yellow your posture and run cycle should be slower than green or what we have now, Other players should be able to determine this from a distance by how fast you can move and your body posture animation.


I think this will help not just with immersion, but also as vehicles are introduced. We really need a tired walking animation and status effects like blurred vision and increased weap sway when you're starving or sick that will finally lead to vomiting/unconsciousness.


This can also be used with getting shot as blood loss would trigger the same staggering walk animation, meaning that if you just got shot by a 45 or 7.62 you can't just sprint away, hide and rebandage. You would limp or stagger away and probably get killed

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This suggestion is pretty freakin' cool even if its not going to be implemented within this year or two

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since we have so many status effects now, Besides adding limping movement when your leg is broken, your walking and running gait should be changed with corrosponding levels of illness, starvation, dehydration. This will help eliminate status messages and make it more immersive and realistic.


If you are red sickness, starving or dying of thirst, you should have a near shambling walk similar to the zombies and only be able to jog for a few seconds. If you're in the yellow your posture and run cycle should be slower than green or what we have now, Other players should be able to determine this from a distance by how fast you can move and your body posture animation.


I think this will help not just with immersion, but also as vehicles are introduced. We really need a tired walking animation and status effects like blurred vision and increased weap sway when you're starving or sick that will finally lead to vomiting/unconsciousness.


This can also be used with getting shot as blood loss would trigger the same staggering walk animation, meaning that if you just got shot by a 45 or 7.62 you can't just sprint away, hide and rebandage. You would limp or stagger away and probably get killed


Video is old but it is something they've looked at

Edited by Caboose187
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I really hope they do away with status messages aswell, audio and visual cues from the char would be so much more immersive. Like all the ideas in OP

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