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Movement Control Scheme: Sprinting as Accelleration

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You know how console games are totally superior to PC when it comes to controlling your character because of flexibility and sensitivity of the joystick, when us PC gamers are stuck with WASD? Are you tired of jamming pencils into your sprint key so that you don't have to keep your pinky finger jammed on it to sprint for 15 minutes? Would you like to conserve energy, or spend it all at once in a huge adrenaline burst?


Introducing: running accelleration!


Simply hold shift and forwards or backwards and your character will begin to accelerate or decelerate. When you find the speed you want, simply release the sprint key and your character will run at the speed until you change the acceleration again. You can also press the backwards key (without pressing the sprint key) and your character will come to a quick stop. While auto-running, you don't need to have any keys pressed, only steer with the mouse or strafe left/right buttons. Running slower depletes energy at a slower rate per speed than running fast.


The acceleration rate is significantly reduced while crouching, letting you find the perfect sneaking speed to creep around at.

You can also double-tap the sprint key while moving forwards to near-instantly achieve your character's top speed, rapidly depleting your character's energy in the process. Maybe you could even hotkey sprint+key combinations for quickly getting to other speeds.

Edited by iFailed

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On paper this looks perfectly fine, But If you where to implement this into an actual game I would feel that people could get pretty confused pretty fast and it would lead to "issues" . . . . 

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On paper this looks perfectly fine, But If you where to implement this into an actual game I would feel that people could get pretty confused pretty fast and it would lead to "issues" . . . . 

Well I didn't say it was the default control scheme.  Also what new players aren't confused when trying to move around for the first time anyways.  When you say "issues" . . . . like that the first thing that I think of is people getting so frustrated at trying to move that they start crying and falling out of their chairs IRL

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Would be better if you could modify the speed with scroll-wheel, like you could in Sniper Elite 1. 

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