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Fixing the zombie AI

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The zombie AI is currently broken. It operates on proximity, but only on a horizontal plain. It doesn't matter if you are 3 stories above the zombies, on the other side of a wall etc.

If you are within a certain radius, they just automatically know you are there, regardless of line of sight, and regardless of verticality. It's completely illogical.

If you are looting a building and they happen to wander by the other side of the wall, they become alerted, then warp through the wall and attack you, or just hit you through the wall as if the it isn't there.

If you are on the roof of a building, 3 stories up, and a zombie walks by on street level, and you are within their radius, they become alerted.

If one zombie becomes alerted, it seems like every zombie in the area are all telepathically linked and become alerted too...then they attack regardless of whether they saw you or not.

Once the zombies have been alerted to your position, even if you lose line of sight with them, they still know exactly where you are. They all have x-ray vision...This makes losing them really, really difficult.

All of this makes looting building in a stealthy way, without confrontation incredibly difficult and frustrating. Especially as a newly spawned character.

Most of the times when I have died, it has been because of the bugged zombie AI. It completely breaks the immersion and sucks all the fun out of the game at times too.

I have heard that they next patch is going to deal with zombie AI, I just hope that these things are fixed as they are so bad that it would keep me from playing until they are addressed.

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Congratulations on suggesting something that Rocket is already working on fixing. This topic being resolved, I propose that we spend the rest of this topic talking about pancakes. I fucking love pancakes.

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