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Sean (DayZ)

Sean's journal

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Hello. I started playing this mod few days ago and after a lot of failing and mistakes, I finally got somewhere.

It all began when I spawned to Kamenka. Decided to head east to Chernogorsk, so I quickly moved to north to the forest. Started moving east quite fast and passed town of Komarovo without paying real attention to it. While running east, I decided to check out the Balota airstrip and nearby military camp. Quickly crouching my way around the walkers and entered the ATC tower from north, trough the forest. I find absolutely nothing but tin cans and chemlights. Shrugging to myself, quickly searched the hangars too, with the same resault as before.

Quickly moving to south, towards the military camp. Vaulted my way over the sandbags with no barbed wire on them. After searching 3 of the towers, finding nothing but ammo, I see another player, unarmed and crawling around the camp. After quick conversation about being friendly, we decided to team up. Now, as a team of two unarmed fellas, we moved north to the civillian part of Balota airstrip.

After dodging the walkers and moving to one of the hangars, we both find hatchets. We had a short conversation what we should do next, both agreed to go loot outskirts of Chernogorsk. When moving towards it, decided to check the gas station next to the road. Sliced couple of walkers a part without any injuries. As my partner checks inside the gas station, I survey the horizon and see nothing alarming, everything seems quiet.

While moving towards Chernogorsk, we both start getting pretty hungry and thirsty. Finally, it's there: red apartment houses on the outskirts of the city. Quickly looting them all, I find a makarov and around 13 clips to it. We both found enough food and drinks to last for a quite a while. We start moving east, towards the gas station slightly north of the city.

When suddently, every unarmed noobs nightmare can be heard: gunshots, not coming from more than 40-50 metres away. Instantly hitting the deck behind a lootable house. The shots keep going and going, making very risky for me with a makarov and my friend with just a hatchet. I crouch run to the house and quickly check it for items, nothing major. Then we leg it out of the city, north east passing the gas station to treeline. After quick chat, my friend informs that he must go now. After exchanging skype names, I decided to continue my merry way to east, towards Elektro.

Without anything but makarov and heck of lot mags to it, I start moving in the treeline to east. Suddently I see a barn, decided to see if there would be heavier firearm in there. And it paid of, Lee Enfield with 4 mags to it, reloaded it and quickly ran back to the treeline.

After a while moving in the east behind the trees, I see a small village with a barn. Decided to pass it and continue. Then I hear few makarov shots, quickly ducking behind a tree and looking towards the barn, only to see survivor running in with about 10 zed's behind him. After a while, he comes out of the barn, armed with CZ sniper rifle. He quickly notices me and ducks and starts aiming, and pulls the trigger... I hear a crushing sound of bullet hitting tree next to me. Without thinking, I raise my Enfield towards him and quickly pull the trigger. The shot lands perfectly, causing him to fall to ground unconscious, bleeding to his death. Couple of zed's devoured his body when I was thinking, my first murder...

While moving towards the body and dispatching the walkers with my makarov, I think to myself, it was not a cold blooded murder, it was self defence, that does not make me bandit, does it? I looted the body for some food, drinks, navigation equipment like map and compass. Quickly ran back to the forest and started moving east.

After kinda long walk, I finally see it; Elektro. The city of campers, bandits and other assholes that like to pick on new and old players just for fun.

So far my experience on this mod has been lovely and rewarding. Looking forward to keep playing it and having more awesome moments. Also, NightHegg, if you read this, please contact me. :).

To be continued.

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Nice story, glad you found someone to team up with. Its great to find someone that doesn't shoot (Or slice) you in the back.

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Part 2:

When moving towards Elektro from the treeline, decided to loot power-plant fire-station first. It turned out to be pretty bad idea. While moving the metal staircase up, I hear other steps from below. I was on first floor and quickly take aim down, I dont see anybody. Then, someone shot me to back from the window, last thing I heard was glass breaking behind me. Felling unconscious and dying after few seconds..

"It's okay I tough, it's part of the game.."

Spawned in Balota, decided to go north and loot all the deer stands for high grade equipment. After couple ones, I find my first sniper rifle. DMR with 3 mags. I was about to crack of joy. Decided to raid nearby barn, then move south to Balota airstrip.

Whilst looting the barn, I hear running outside. Someone comes with high speed inside, runs up the ladders on the other side, with one zed after him. He haven't noticed me yet, so I think to myself "Kill or be killed". Raised my scope to him as he was shooting the blood thirsty creature slowly walking up the stairs with his makarov. I holded breath and pulled trigger; bullet penetrates trough his ribs and atleast one lung.

I quickly crouch run to him and prepare to check the body for any food or drink, as I was getting damn thirsty and hungry. I find nothing expect makarov and few mags, packet of painkillers and bandages. I shrug to myself, thinking 'better start moving towards Balota before I die to hunger'.

Not after long run, I already see the village of Balota. Cutting north-west trough the open fields tightly squeezing my DMR. Finally I see the ATC tower, It seemed to be clear. Moving to main entrance from north, only to see the most frustrating thing in this game:


When quickly crouch running towards the ladders on side, I hear two gunshots, I freeze to the corner of the building for a while, looking around for anything that moves. Cant see anything.. After a while I decide to head for the roof. Everything goes well and I search the building, only to find nothing but shotgun ammo and empty tins.. When moving back up the stairs, and heading for the door, I see a other player aiming at me trough the windows of the tower with some assault rifle. I quickly scope in and point the center dot to his body, he was not further away than maybe 30 metres. Pulling the trigger, so did he, quick burst of around 5 bullets land in my chest and neck area, instant death. Not sure if I got him too, as I managed to fire my weapon too.

Whilst staring at the dead screen, I shrug and think " Okay, just going to start over again, was about to die to hunger too. "

Kinda butt hurt now.

To be continued.

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Part 3, Towards north!

So, I decided to man up and just re-spawn and start over again.

Luckily I spawned in Kamenka. Quickly moved trough the town and looting the one building for 2 drinks and one can of sardines. I dashed to the treeline north-east whilst thinking that I should do deer stand run.

After checking the 3 deer stands north and west of Kamenka, my situation hadn't changed much. Wound few stray clips for random guns and just bunch of flares. Decided to move east to check a barn. Slowly crouching my way in the barn, only to almost shit my freakin' pants!. I bumped to guy with an hatchet behind some boxes on the ground level. I'm unarmed and we just stare at each other for a moment...

After few seconds, I can finally start breathing again after hearing a word " friendly " from the hatchet guy, who moved under name of ' Duncan '. After telling each other that we're friendlies, I moved to the upper level of the barn. Duncan followed, behind my back with a hatchet size of a child. I find nothing on the second floor, but I see someone aiming me with M24 of the other side of the barn. He was Duncan's friend and they had seen me moving towards the barn and took a camping positions.

After they a tiny chat, I continue to loot the barn, only to find hatchet.

We decided to team up together. Whilst moving towards north, to check few more deer stands, Duncan encounter some problems and I continue with the other guy, just two of us.

After checking 3 deer stands south of Bor, he took the lead and we moved towards Zelenogorsk. I move towards the deer stand and quickly dispatch few walkers with my hatchet. While climbing the ladders up, I crack of joy. There it is, shining right in front of me; AK74 with just one mag. It's still better than nothing, even if just had 30 bullets in it.

We move towards the city and I get already bad feeling about it. After checking the barn we moved towards the supermarket as I was getting pretty hungry and thirsty. We slowly crawled towards the market back door, about 25 metres between us. We manage to get inside without alerting anybody or anything. We quickly grab what we need and get ready to move out.

Then everything just cracks apart and I hear my comrades body hitting the shop floor, instantly dying. I was already behind the counter so I managed to get out of the shop from the backdoor. Quickly crouch runned to the barn north of the city, luckily didn't alert any zeds.

While rummaging trough the barn, I made a emergency plan; get the fuck out of city quickly as possible. Ran north-east and after a while, took cover under some trees and decided to call it a day.

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Episode 4, Castle of broken legs.

My two friends installed the mod yesterday and learned the basics of the game. They obviously we're on the shore and I was around the Zelenogork. So we decided to meet up on deer stand north east of Elektro. It was good 7 KM's hike for me.

After a while, I finally manage to meet up them, one had a hatchet and one double barreled shotgun. We decided to raid the Bor castle, just north of us. And It didn't go so well... While creeping down the stairs when we were ready to leave the castle. Not amazing loot, just basic ammo and stuff. My friend decided to go grab the ammo that was left upstairs while I was proning down the stairs. He stepped on me and I went unconscious, bleeding and my leg broke. I didn't know should I cry or laugh. My other friend failed too, just felt down the stairs while crouching, broken leg and unconscious. Third friend patched us all up and everybody checked their bags, no morphine. We started to crawl to Elektro hospital, but I suddently fell the stairs and died...

Great day, hopefully will have better night!

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