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Refilling magazins a bit more realism and flexibility

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As i noticed that many guns share the same caliber i startet to wonder why i allways have to throwe an empty magazin away like a soda can why not keeping it and refill it with similar ammo from an other magazin.

For example empty an FN FAL magazin by shooting now u have an empty magazin in ur inventory it was ur last magazin waht to do now u like ur FAL or just dont find an other weapon but wait wahts that an DMR magazin laying on the ground u grap it remove the bullets and put them in ur inventory drop the empty DMR magazin and refill ur FAL clip with bullets from ur ammo stack and ur ready for a new conflict

some technical data

removing bullets from a magazin will create an ammo stack of the speciffic caliber and can only be used to refill an compatible magazin

refilling a magazin will take about 15 to 20 sec to prevent in combat abuse and keep realism

each stack hav a max limit different caliber could have different stacksizes

if the ARMA2 Engine prevent item stacking it could be avoided by creating an Item like ammunition pile wich has an set amount of uses wich get replenishd by emptying magazins and get used by refilling magazins

also a possible new loot object at heli crash sites called ammunition box with a set amount of bullets

i gladly see any constructive criticism

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I would love to combine clips/magazines together so that I wouldnt have a bunch of half/empty ones laying in my inventory...it just makes sense.

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FN FALs and other modern firearms use magazines not clips, clips are a metal strip that hold rounds by the casing groove or rim in the case of rimmed bullets.

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@ Dale Gribble

thanks for the info i will edit my post in a proper way wasnt shure if clip or magazine was the correct translation as my native language isnt english

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Clip is a commonly used synonym for magazine.

Exactly. It might not be correct to use the words as synonyms, but I feel embarrassed to admit to owning Arma 2 knowing that the player base includes those who are anal about the difference between the words "clip" and "magazine".

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If ARMA 2 had some decent inventory system, I'd be all for it. With what we currently have, this just will lead to other issues.

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I would like a system where magazines can be joined together and this suggestion of loading empty magazines would also be good.

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So where do you get the empty fal magazine that you wish to fill? :D

I'm not sure if this isn't going to create more trouble than it's worth.

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+1, that way you can't just convert a dmr mag into 4 m24 and magicly get 4 magazines.

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I don't think Arma2 will run stacking mechanics. but i alt. to this is having "boxes" that opens up like the backpack. and you can put the rounds in to it.

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this would be too complicated for all of us, come on guys some one us can't even figure out the inventory system!

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the inventory of arma 2 is just not made for an rpg-style game :D

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