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So the hacking fixes, havent fixed a great deal yet

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so after seeing the new update come out and reading the patch notes stating hacking issues had been addressed i thought why not have a bash in stable for a change, how wrong i was to do so... my first encounter with one of the scrub kind, was about 45 minutes into my first session, was in a room alone, no windows in sight just organising my gear before heading off the coast, then bam, im unconscious, ok i think probably just a house bug i wait it out, but then within 2 seconds i see my hotbar items dissappear one by one... once the last item is gone i miraculously instantly wake back up wearing someone elses clothes. it seemed the guy had been killed (as hackers tend to be awful players) and respawned and found the closest slightly geared player to rob. needless to say that is definitely not fixed.


after that i took some time away (as i usually do when stupid stuff like that happens) came back in with some pals got geared up as usual and decided to check out elektro on an official hive server to try help out some new spawns or at least clear out some bandits. coming past the lake at the northern end of elektro to cross up onto sniper hill to get the drop on some bandits when i hear the first shot of banditry ringing out from upon the hill. great i think, ill make my way onto his six and try and take him out... not a chance, guy literally appears in front of me pops off a mosin shot, misses miserabely and i start to zig zag trying to get my sawn off out, he misses me again (as usual with crap hacker types) and then literally speed hacks up the hill out of sight. i get my lrs mosin out and shoot him directly. no blood nothing. next thing the guy who is 50 odd yards up a steep incline i cant even jog up has miraculously run up behind me with an axe which he is teleporting around me hitting me with. i tell him he is a c*nt for needing to hack to get kills he laughs says thanks i know bruh and i just exit giving him the pleasure of killing me while i sit down in the exit animation as opposed to killing me even trying to defend myself. long n short. hax seem worse than they were before. i only had id say 2 instances of hacker confrontation since release then two in the space of a week since the supposed fixes in place :( i hope sometime this gets a fix all round.

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The team is constantly working on the situation.  However if you have found significant evidence you wish to send us please pm.

If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Please do not make topics or post videos. They will be locked or removed.



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