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I was out wandering between Nadezhdino and Mogilevka, My intentions were to push forward to the north west air base i was trying to take the safest route possible.

After eating my beans and drinking my pepsi at Nadezhdino i set off onward expecting to get to mogilevka, about five minutes into my journey i come across helicopter crash site, although i really wanted to get to north west air base before night fall, i just could not resist.

I took out my Winchester and made sure i had a full magazine loaded. The area was surrounded by military zombies. I tried to get back and take the shots from a distance. First shot, hit no agro/ Second shot, hit no agro/ Third shot hit but all the zombies go crazy i try to keep my distance and pull two more kills off before i had to run. i turned as fast as i could and started to sprint there were six zombies chasing me at this point so i turn around shoot two more however one of them manages to break my leg so i quickly shoot out the remaining four.

Im bleeding badly, i open my pack and bandage myself up/ But i have no morphine and cannot walk. Frustrated i wanted to die. But out of curiosity i crawled forward slowly but surely i got closer to the crashed helicopter, and much to my pleasure was a medical box full of everything i could ever need. I patch myself up and explore the rest of the helicopter thinking to myself rocket is looking over me this box was a god send.

As i walk past the tail end of the helicopter i spot four players just a couple feet beyond the dirt path behind a fence, all carrying some serious fire power all appeared to be LMG type weapons they open up fire on me i was terrified id never heard so much lead being put down i jumped for cover behind the helicopter whilst shouting at them Friendly friendly!!!!!!!! with no effect. about thirty seconds past under this hell fire it seemed like a decade. a cease fire came about.

I rolled to my left and saw them still there aiming as i knew they were not friendly i took aim took a second to make sure and BANG, one shot, the guy on the far right goes down but not killed i take another shot at his team mate, i missed and there fire opened up again i rolled back into cover but quickly it stopped i assume they were trying to patch there wounded i role back out to the left two roles this time around, i take aim but note one of them has gone and one of them is aiming at me i take a shot at the guy aiming at me, miss. i take another shot, i missed again i was ready to get back into cover but thought one more shot steady yourself and be patient. i get the shot lined up and bang, he goes down wounded.

I role into cover taking no fire, around a minute passes and i role back out, there all gone. That was the last i saw of the four guys who tried to take me out. I didn't get a kill on any of them. but they never shot at me again. weather or not they were still watching over me. I guess its time to continue onto the north west air base.

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I like the story but having four guys be that stupid with LMGs is kind of a stretch.

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The English language doesn't have a period shortage, you can use as many as you want.

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