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noticing a few problems since yesterday

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since yesterday's patch seen a few problems

1. rubberbanding zombies thought it might be ping related ,for some reason yesterday after patch i couldnt find a server under a 100 ping, this morning i logged on a found 10 - 20 + with less than 40 yet the problem still persisted not every zombie but id say better than 50% were rubberbanding around

2. zombies got me twice out of nowhere on second floor in building got myself in a corner of a room could hear them coming then bam black screen of "you are dead" so obviously being hit thru wall or floor id say floor since i was in a exterior wall corners and like 3 people including myself on server so i doubt it was a player sniping iin some small town i have no idea the name ,wish you would of posted no map option and o yea everything is in russian language clearly in the sales pitch on steam if i missed it my bad

3.seems to be quite a bit of lag even this morning trying to equip items in hands and remove items from hands and i guess i am not understanding if the maps actually work 2 times since yesterday i have gotten lucky and assembled full maps yet anytime i try to bring up the map thru hot key its nothing but a blackscreen w/ map and player it will list player names with other basic info like ping and various other info

4 hypothermia seems much less a issue since yesterday's patch i have noticed hydration and hunger level disappear from inventory screen

5 clothing wear i have noticed if i run thru the woods my shirt pants and shoes ,even combat boots,are ruined really quickly running on roads seems to be a distance like 4 or 5 milees or kms w/e and shoes ,even combat boots,are ruined kinda doesnt make sense 

6 killed a zombie in a doorway today and got trapped couldnt walk over the deceased =/ really need to fine tune that collision detection 

7 yea fall dmg is complete GARBAGE this is a major tick for me i cant run off a stairway half way down "your leg is broken" rofl sorry if you cant fall 3-4 feet without breaking your leg you deserve to die somehow i ran thru a wall 2 days ago and fell from the 2nd floor and yea you guessed it "your leg is broken" im not saying you cant break leg falling 10 ft or so but cmon really???????i have seen people fall much further and live and be right back to work like off the ridge of a 3rd floor apt building roof he walked over grabbed his tools and went back to work thats close to 40 feet not 3 or 4

theres more but im out of time seems ALOT smoother this morning compared to yesterday afternoon but these problems have persisted thru to this morning even with a pretty solid ping

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