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Delta Smoke 01

End game content !!!

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I know i posted about this a month or so ago but i really think dayz needs a boost atm. Im not a player killer. I will if i have to but i dont hunt harmless noobs. Bandits can hunt and have endless fun. So whats the point of being a good guy? Once im geared, got my tent set up n got my car fixed, there is literally nothing for me n my buddys to do. Iv played from the start of the mod and i do still love it, but i get bored of having nothing to do. Post endgame idea's here and lets see what we can come up with.

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I have a similar problem i posted, called the pvp problem. There where a few ideas of base building and recapturing the towns from the zombies, Someone by the user name of Dreganius talked about his idea called Liberation.


working together to take back zombie infested towns,farms and whatnot. He has alot of good ideas i think. I do not really agrea on his ideas of pvp tho, but that's just me.

I also think a big problem with the pvp is people just have nothing else to do but besides grabing a gun and just start shooting players, and adding more content for endgame would help out alot with that.

but some people think it will make this game just like every other mmorpg if pvping was lowered, which i do not understand really.

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This will get sorted out with highly increased difficulty I think...when the zombies spawn in the woods, hordes wander the map, food and water are harder to come by (increased difficulty in hunting, meat that will spoil over time, reduced food/soda spawns) and you aren't safe anywhere then survival will be a non-stop issue which will keep players busy. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

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