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Benz (DayZ)

Weapons and weapons

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So many players are complaining about the looting, right? Not finding any weapons? Always getting brained by a crowbar by some guy lucky enough to find one and not even being able to punch? Being in a group of 3 and bleeding out because one zombie keeps chasing you? Well, I am not going to say spawn more guns because that could turn out to be a disaster, but you should add more melee weapons. That way players will avoid zombies, but also be able to realistically fight back when being chased by a single frog-zombie. You could add in a baseball bat and another thing you could do is make it so the hunting knife works like an axe, where you can cut wood (skin animals) when needed but also slice and dice when you run out of ammo. I think this would make players happier and stop alot of these complaints that keep comming in. Also, TOO MANY AMMO AND CANS!!! I don't want to find military grade ammo in apartments! I don't have those guns yet! And holy f**k, I don't know how the amount of cans isn't making me have a FPS of one.

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