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[VSN] Overpoch Chernarus, new server, Veteran server, UNIQUE features only at VSN.

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 [VSN] Vision Gaming Overpoch Chernarus


 Server IP:





If you got any problems with connecting - join TS and ask for help

All you need is Dayz Epoch mod & Dayz Overwatch 0.2.5. To connect without problems use Dayz Launcher

For Dayz Commander use launch parameter: -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@Dayz_Epoch;




[VSN] Feature list:


- Life day / night cycle (full moon nights, sunset 1 am GMT, sunrise 8 am GMT)

- Common scripts (self bloodbags, take clothes, tow & lift, refuel and repair)

- VSN Unique mission system, random, gather, static

- Indestructible Cinder & Metal

- Plot pole management system

- Door Management system

- Restarts every 3 hours

- Weather system

- 50m plot poles

- Bike at spawn

- Painting Vehicles

- Snap & Build Pro


Veteran Server


- 3rd person view +, no cross hair

- Heavily balanced trader prices and loot

- No thermal weapons, no tanks

- No coin system (you can always lose your briefcases)



 [VSN] Vision Gaming Overpoch Chernarus


 Server IP:





If you got any problems with connecting - join TS and ask for help


Edited by EPD

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[VSN] Vision Gaming Overpoch Chernarus

Now OVERPOCH, but good one not "all inclusive".

No OP and useless weapons:
NO cheytacs,
NO automatic DMR rifles,
NO machine guns which shoot M240 mag in 6 seconds,
NO 1000000x different versions of AK or hk416/7

No OP and buggy vehicles
NO sports car, offroad 90-100? come on!

We chose out of MANY guns only those few which are nice, balanced and fit DAYZ climat
Out of 500 weapons, we added around 15 pistols , 10 sniper rifles and 30 assault rifles, so you wont have to worry about strange magazines, which option to take, or just too long list of weapons.

If you are looking for REALISTIC server, this is place for you!


Edited by EPD

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 [VSN] Vision Gaming Overpoch Chernarus


 Server IP:





Hi everyone, recently I started Overpoch server, and I'm looking for any help, assistance or dedicated people who would like to help growing this community.


I'm dayz admin and servers developer for about 2 years, I'm trying to be as professional as possible what you can see in added gallery and pictures.

[VSN] Server is up and running, however there is always long list of things "what to do", that's why i'm looking for help.


Map is totally customized, mission system is unique. Every trader, every AI site, every additional stuff was made by me, check gallery to see some of them:




[VSN] Strategy:


I must admit that i wanted to start Epoch server, however still Overpoch is more popular that's why im running Overpoch.

Second thing is that the vision is to run natural, realistic and climatic dayz server without any fully militarized vehicles or OP weapons.


I'm working precise and considering everything when balancing, adding new features. Also I would like to create a friendly community, and server.


In game HELP & INFO Center:




[VSN] Map Balancing:


Below you will find picture of current map. There are some changes coming to even improve shore lesser activity, but it's already good for either fresh spawns and other players.


I wont explain here how, what exactly and why i did it that way. 




If you are interested in being part of VSN community and helping me grow it and develop even better, or just wanna be admin while i will be busy working on new stuff feel free to contact me.


Most of the day im on VSN teamspeak:

You can also write to me on website: VSN-Gaming.com

or Skype: kisiel_epd89

Edited by EPD

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One of the most professionally prepared maps ever, balancing considering every aspect of game, early, mid, late.



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Don't hesitate or be worried. Even server seems to be 95% done, there is always a lot to be done to improve it as I always come on new ideas :D Join me :D

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