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Looking for a clan

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Im about to be getting back in to the PC gaming world.

I will be getting Dayz and im looking for a realism clan to become my new home. I plan on playing more then Dayz.

Im well with TS3 and websites.

I have played CoD4-5 for many years. I was in some really good clan. But since i stopped gaming PC everything is gone.

I was just hoping some clans could post below or PM me please

Thank you so much


Edited by Base2424

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hay man i'm not in a clan, but i'm looking for some people to play with as well i can play with you in a team. and we can try to find more fellow survivors for our team. would like to start a trading camp as well once tents become less rear and different kinds are released.

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You guys are welcome to check us out @ BSB Network. We've supported Day Z since the launch of the mod and have a large group actively playing together on a couple of public servers, most notably the MGT Napf server. We've been around as a gaming clan since 2002 and have our own TS3 server as well as loads of other benefits. We're primarily based in the UK but we do have members from across the EU and even some in the US. We have no silly rules or trial periods - all we as is you play fair and have a bit of common sense!  


We're also rated as the EU's number 1 Enjin clan. Check us out at the website http://www.bsbnetwork.com or find out more on our recruitment thread here; - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/119199-bsb-network-ukeu-mature-gaming-clan-recruiting-for-sa-mod/

Edited by Box

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