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IMO you shouldn't die of thirst and hunger. (well yeah eventually)

But eating and staying hydrated should benefit you in other ways.

Sprinting longer, more focus when aiming your weapon, less likely to get sick. are some examples.

I call it your comfort level.

Types of food differ. So if you spend the time to make a fire and heat up that can of beans its gonna be better than just eating them cold.

Hunting and the food that you will get would be a better tier and benefits you way more than eating some stale cereal you find. 

So its not a matter of finding food and water but more of what and how you do it.

Do away with "hunger and thirst bars". Makes no sense that you fall and die because you didn't have your 8th can of beans for the day.


Dieing of thirst and hunger can take days.


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While I do agree the food, hydration, and nutrition systems have much to be improved and expanded upon, I honestly believe that the rate at which you can starve/die of dehydration needs to be exaggerated in order to make it an actual gameplay factor. I mean, yes, it takes days in real life whereas it can only be minutes in DayZ, something which will obviously be adjusted, but the game would benefit much more were the hunger systems put as more of a threat to you rather than something you can use to "improve" yourself.


Granted, getting more benefits from being full and energized (on 'healthy' foods) is something I can absolutely stand by, just not in a way that replaces the system.

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