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Devastating Hack

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I was playing on a server [NY68 I think] with my friends DarkFocus and thebushewok camping on top of the NW airfield fire station roof

Suddenly, the ground goes black and our characters begin to fall for a moment.

I see the chat log FILL UP with player deaths. I disconnected before i hit the floor.

Due to the nature of the hack i did not have time to screenshot it, all i can do is give you the server name


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Yeah, this absolute Bulls***t happened to us when we were all together, on the roof of the Fire station at the North West Airfield. The map just disappeared beneath us and it looked like everyone on the server moved to ONE spot on the map, then simultaneously got killed, myself and Thebushwookie escaped with our lives, but TheBushEwok was killed. Its my belief that this is entirely because the ground level of the server was deleted and its was only the fact that the time it took to fall from the roof, to below the map was just long enough to save myself and Thebushwookie; thus we didn't leave the bounds of the map and die, like almost everyone else.

- DarkFocus

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I am the admin on NY68 (now US186) still Desolation.

At this point there is nothing that can be done about the hackers. I can skim the logs and hope I see something out of the ordinary, but most likely these will be caught by the debug and the HIVE. The person who did it will be eventually banned and the hack patched.

Im sorry that you guys lost gear, if you need some help starting back up just let me know.

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