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Hackers On US23

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We found it spawned in the NW airfield. It's not hacked.


That is the link to the weapon in the DayZ Wiki loot table for the SVD. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop trying to stir up something that isn't there with us. :dodgy:

Good freakin' god...

Lol so you found the L85 Thermal gun in the barracks too right? You guys are so full of shit its not even funny... I mean seriously SVD Dragunovs and L85 Thermal sight guns. I spent over 500+ Hours at the barracks and seen even satchel charges ' date=' m136 missile launchers but never seen a SVD Dragunov and L85 and just the mere fact that you guys didint have it on you and you have it in the vehicles is a dead give away that you had "Extras". Just have the admin look into the logs thats all if you have nothing to hide or worry about then you shouldent care about him looking into the logs. You guys did not have a spare L85 and SVD Dragunov because who does? Lmao along with the countless other extremley rare weapons that were there you guys definently were atleast duping so dont try to act like you guys just stumbled on heli crashes with L85's and SVD Dragunov camo and just put spares in the vehicles... Seriously its blatantly obvious we spoke to the admin and he will look into the logs and get to the bottom of it.


Also the SVD Dragunov spawns in barracks and the L85 is supposed to spawn at heli crash sights not the barracks... I just confirmed this information so you are flat out lying and saying Im starting something out of nothing. Ill be getting the logs today to take a look at this and my bet is that those L85's and SVD's most likley have the same ID number that the ones you guys are carrying or hacked either way Im positive you didint have spare L85's and SVD Dragunov Camo's...

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No, we found L85 thermal at a crash site. And no we don't have "extras" because nobody liked the SVD so nobody carried it. It's that simple. Rarity doesn't equal utility necessarily. Secondly, we did use the L85 before but the zoom is very high and the knockdown power of the round is very low at range so our snipers prefer the .50 cals. We never said we found an L85 at the barracks. So where do you get the idea that we said we found an L85 at the barracks. Review this thread and you will see nobody said it, but you have lied once again to smear us. You accused us of spawning an SVD, and I addressed that accusation by informing you it spawned in the barracks (you actually thought it was impossible to have in the first place - the more you type, the stupider you look). Is that such a far fetched idea to you? Have the admin look into the logs. You'll only end up with egg on your face. The more you nit pick ton justify your outrage at losing vehicles, the more you look foolish. Have the admin check the ID number on the weapons. Have them check for scripts. I invite it if it will shut your ridiculous trap and let your butt hurtness heal.

And dude, 500+ hours AT the barracks? Your exaggerations only reveal that you are full of shit and lie to attempt to smear other players because you think they might be hacking because you can't wrap your thin skull around the concept that it's possible that someone found your camp spot on the top of the hill at the NW corner - a stupid spot for a camp might I add.

Also, just because you have never found one of these weapons doesn't mean nobody else has. As far as the "rare" weapons in the trucks... those were the weapons that were in the trucks when we stole them from you! What the hell does that say about you if you think they were duped. Are you mental or just a pathological liar that believes the shit you shovel?

When no evidence is found to support your accusations, I would expect you to act like a man and come back to this thread and apologize to myself, and my buddies. If not, it just further reveals your lack of maturity and your false sense of righteous indignation.

Oh, and before I forget. When we stole your trucks we found four M4 CCO SD camoflague rifles in there. Wow, those are pretty rare. Why would they be in your truck and not on your person? Sounds to me like these were "extras" and you were duping them. When we snagged your VS3, it has two M4 Holo SDs which are just as rare as the SVD. Were these your "extras" as well that you had duped? I think so. The trucks had one copy of every other gun in there - just in case you wanted to dupe a copy of a specific weapon. You guys are dirty as the day is long, and you have the balls to come here with a load of malarcky aimed at us because you are upset that we found your camp twice (which was in the same spot within a week apart - absolutely genius).

What you seem to be doing is accusing us of the things that you are doing. It's a guilt defense mechanism called projecting. Google it if you don't know what the hell it is. And check your own self before accusing others of false activity.

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added on steam going to close this thread to discuss it.

I just spoke to Supertuck and cleared a few things up. I apologize for accusing his group of people. Apparently his bus that we left with no tires wasnt the one that we saw at the NE of the map. Sorry for accusing the wrong group of people again.

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chronic and lil chronic, hack much?

today a few buddies and i decided to do little hiking through the woods. and came across a camp sight with a ton of vehicles in it.( and yes it was in server us23) as we got to the camp sight we came across a long lost friend of ours, chronic. well needless the problem was handled accordingly and we continued on with our high-jacking of this camps vehicles. but then the funniest thing happened. as we drove away we could not help but notice every time we stopped, no matter how far we got from this camp sight we continued to take fire, we could not get away. i just think its kind of funny. and btw it interests me to know how you managed to keep up and know where we were? im sure its been said before but im positive something funny is going on in that server. well its not the first time we come into contact with you guys and im sure it wont be the last. see you in the woods.



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chronic and lil chronic, hack much?

today a few buddies and i decided to do little hiking through the woods. and came across a camp sight with a ton of vehicles in it.( and yes it was in server us23) as we got to the camp sight we came across a long lost friend of ours, chronic. well needless the problem was handled accordingly and we continued on with our high-jacking of this camps vehicles. but then the funniest thing happened. as we drove away we could not help but notice every time we stopped, no matter how far we got from this camp sight we continued to take fire, we could not get away. i just think its kind of funny. and btw it interests me to know how you managed to keep up and know where we were? im sure its been said before but im positive something funny is going on in that server. well its not the first time we come into contact with you guys and im sure it wont be the last. see you in the woods.



So I heard about this ordeal today unluckily for you guys I was not on. I love how you throw accusations around about chronic and lil chronic hacking because you "continued to take fire no matter how far you got". Did it not occur to you that people are following and shooting? Also how come you and your clan of people who disconnect while being shot at all left while they were chasing you? I believe you were the only ones who broke rules here feel free to have logs posted because I can guarantee the only person in the wrong here is in you. Why dont you go disconnect some more after cowardly taking other peoples vehicles and leave at the first sign of trouble some more...

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chronic and lil chronic, hack much?

today a few buddies and i decided to do little hiking through the woods. and came across a camp sight with a ton of vehicles in it.( and yes it was in server us23) as we got to the camp sight we came across a long lost friend of ours, chronic. well needless the problem was handled accordingly and we continued on with our high-jacking of this camps vehicles. but then the funniest thing happened. as we drove away we could not help but notice every time we stopped, no matter how far we got from this camp sight we continued to take fire, we could not get away. i just think its kind of funny. and btw it interests me to know how you managed to keep up and know where we were? im sure its been said before but im positive something funny is going on in that server. well its not the first time we come into contact with you guys and im sure it wont be the last. see you in the woods.



Also how about you drive along the border line some more thinking your in stealth mode LMAO... I mean seriously you guys drove along the border in one direction and you wonder how people found you? Just sad...

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...AND you guys got chased-down by 2 ATVs while you were driving big-slow vehicles, not too hard to figure-out that formula especially when the guys at camp knew which direction you were headed. A failed car-jacking attempt is what it was - barely I might add but still failed...

Oh, and who was logging in-and-out and waiting for us as we approached camp? One of our guys spots a guy in a Ghillie suit at our camp just chillin' so he takes cover, gives approximate coordinates and one of our snipers locates him after he finally moves. Then from around 500 meters and, well needless to say the "problem was handled accordingly"... :P

Edited by DayZ_Survival_Expert
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Ok now jeez. Before this turns into an all out flame war I just want to say this. I forgive you for killing me. Its part of the game. I was shooting your friend driving the URAL so you shot me and saved his life. I was killed on day 31 with like 250 hours of gameplay on that character. Yea I was kind of upset for a second, but thats dayz. I had fun lighting up the URAL with my pee shooter. I put about 30 bullets through the windshield of that URAL with my Bison SD and then about 100 more into the side of the truck lol. Then I got sniped because I obviously gave away my position. I should have just shot 1 clip and then logged off, but oh well. Im not mad, its a game and I had fun defending our camp to the death. After my death I met up with my group and got every single item back within 20 minutes. Im sorry we chased you down and killed half of you but you did steal our vehicles. I just wish your other guys didnt log out when we chased them down.

Im am NOT a hacker and my little brother is DEFINITELY not a hacker lol. He hardly knows how to work a computer. This game is the first PC game lilchronic ever played in his life. Also... You think my account would have lasted 31 days if I was hacking? Hackers get banned almost weekly and then they just buy a new key for operation arrowhead and start hacking again. Rinse and repeat.

If you guys wanna come back to our server bring it on. We can be enemies or allies. I don't give a flying fuck. I can promise you this though. More of you will die than us. In the words of Hitler... "ALT-F4ing Pussies!"

Oh and btw dont listen to spec. He made us look really bad a few posts back talking about the hacked in SVD Dragunov and L85 Thermal and camping the barracks 500+ hours yada yada yada. Come on spec. Tighten up bro.

Edited by Cal627
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Yes, we all apologize for spec. He's like the little brother of the group with tourettes. He's a "special cookie" but we still love him.

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Ok now jeez. Before this turns into an all out flame war I just want to say this. I forgive you for killing me. Its part of the game. I was shooting your friend driving the URAL so you shot me and saved his life. I was killed on day 31 with like 250 hours of gameplay on that character. Yea I was kind of upset for a second, but thats dayz. I had fun lighting up the URAL with my pee shooter. I put about 30 bullets through the windshield of that URAL with my Bison SD and then about 100 more into the side of the truck lol. Then I got sniped because I obviously gave away my position. I should have just shot 1 clip and then logged off, but oh well. Im not mad, its a game and I had fun defending our camp to the death. After my death I met up with my group and got every single item back within 20 minutes. Im sorry we chased you down and killed half of you but you did steal our vehicles. I just wish your other guys didnt log out when we chased them down.

Im am NOT a hacker and my little brother is DEFINITELY not a hacker lol. He hardly knows how to work a computer. This game is the first PC game lilchronic ever played in his life. Also... You think my account would have lasted 31 days if I was hacking? Hackers get banned almost weekly and then they just buy a new key for operation arrowhead and start hacking again. Rinse and repeat.

If you guys wanna come back to our server bring it on. We can be enemies or allies. I don't give a flying fuck. I can promise you this though. More of you will die than us. In the words of Hitler... "ALT-F4ing Pussies!"

Oh and btw dont listen to spec. He made us look really bad a few posts back talking about the hacked in SVD Dragunov and L85 Thermal and camping the barracks 500+ hours yada yada yada. Come on spec. Tighten up bro.

First of all I apologized about the Dragunov and L85 and the 500 Hours at the barracks is true I AM THE BARRACKS. Chronic and Azur are just 2 douchebags who are trying to crack jokes because they have nothing better to do then to cower in a bush somewhere while Im looting said Barracks.

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Look what this game does to people. DAMN YOU ROCKET! DAMN YOUUUUUUUUU!

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Yes, we all apologize for spec. He's like the little brother of the group with tourettes. He's a "special cookie" but we still love him.

I rememeber going into the south west barracks and killing 4 guys in there while you were scared shitless to come and help me out because you only had a "Sniper" and Chronic was 700 meters away and refused to come and help me because he was "afraid to die" Screwn both of you bush camping afkers why dont you grow a pair and get some more hours at the airfield :P

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chronic and lil chronic, hack much?

today a few buddies and i decided to do little hiking through the woods. and came across a camp sight with a ton of vehicles in it.( and yes it was in server us23) as we got to the camp sight we came across a long lost friend of ours, chronic. well needless the problem was handled accordingly and we continued on with our high-jacking of this camps vehicles. but then the funniest thing happened. as we drove away we could not help but notice every time we stopped, no matter how far we got from this camp sight we continued to take fire, we could not get away. i just think its kind of funny. and btw it interests me to know how you managed to keep up and know where we were? im sure its been said before but im positive something funny is going on in that server. well its not the first time we come into contact with you guys and im sure it wont be the last. see you in the woods.



So Im still awaiting your response and have yet to see one. The only rule breaking that I have seen so far is you and your "rush" clan mates all disconnecting to avoid getting killed. So as far as Im concerned you guys broke the rule but are in here bitching and moaning over something that is not only not true AND YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF! You guys deserve a perma ban so maybe next time you buy a copy of the game you might stay in when shit starts hitting the fan. Also I got shot at the other day and returned fire on some people that D/C'ed I wouldent be suprised if it was your group of clanmates who disconnect at the first sign of trouble. I mean seriously shoot at me I return fire and you Disconnect thats the most bitch move that you can pull.

Edited by SpecSniper

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