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Dayz fps problem. Hardcore vs Normal

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So, I am trying to run dayZ on this new computer granted it's not the best. It's just a stock PC. With a decent graphics card. I don't know the specs atm, but it's not a specs problem. So when I get on DayZ SA, I can run hardcore easily 40+ fps in wilderness 15-25 fps in city. But as soon as I log into a regular server, I immediately notice a huge lag decrease. It drops to like1 to 2 fps. Then runs smooth for like 3 seconds the. Drops back to really low frames then freezes. Also , I can run overpoch really smooth. Regular DayZ SA servers just seem to give me a problem, sorry for the long explanation but if anyone can help that would be great! Thanks.

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The obvious solution would be to stick with hardcore.

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