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[EU] TrailerParkBoys DayZ Epoch - Active Admins, Adv. Building, AI Missions, Friendly Players and much more

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Hey guys,


Im not a representative of the TrailerParkBoys, but thats a server I'm playing on and enjoy it. The admins are very active and maintain the server really good. They also try to add and change some gimmicks here and there (but no overload). The server isn't fresh so you will explore some bases but its not like the long time players there are cocky and go on freshspawns, new players. Long story short, here is the IP:


Some facts:


Server: EU Server

Start with: G17, Morphine, Food, Drink and a little bag

Missions: AI Mission are available with different difficulty levels. There are different type of missions (Weapons, Munitions, Building Supplys, Vehicles etc.). There are also some static Bandit Checkpoints.

Self Bloodbag: Yes

Free Refuel: Yes

Traders: Yes + Safezone of course


There are of course more features but I think they are Epoch Standard.


The Admins are friendly and do not abuse their power (as far as I have noticed)


Come and join! :P

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