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A different (partial?) solution to ghosting.

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tl;dr If a player logging on was, say (arbitrarily), within 300 meters of another player, the following would happen: the ear/eye indicators on the screen of (of both players) would flash red a few times.

Hey all,

I've been mulling over the issue of ghosting for a couple weeks.

For those of you who don't know what it is, very briefly: ghosting typically takes place in a PVP encounter. Player A (the ghosting party) encounters Player B. Player A then logs off server 1 where player B exists, and logs onto server 2. On server 2, player A then moves to a position that is tactically advantageous, were he still on server 1. He then logs back onto server 1, and gains the upper hand through what is functionally, if not technically, an exploit.

The problems with this are, as far as I can see, threefold.

One: as mentioned, this is, at least functionally, an exploit. It uses the fact of character persistence in a way which, at least as it pertains to the 'realism' aspect of the mod, is unfair (as others have pointed out, the state of Chernarus does not have parallel dimensions. Frankly, it's just a cheap tactic.

Two: It nullifies the value of smart gameplay. Of what use is setting up tactically advantageous positions (say, for example, guarding the only entrance to a building) if someone can materialize in said building behind you?

Three: it is immersion breaking. See point one and two.

So - what is there to be done about this? Others have offered at least partially viable solutions (login/logout timers, designated logout areas, and sundry. I do have a suggestion to add - one which I suspect might be easy to implement, not involve timers (which I believe have a good chance of punishing legitimate players), and not be too immersion breaking.

What if upon logon, there was a script which checked for proximity to other players. If a player logging on was, say (arbitrarily), within 300 meters of another player, the following would happen: the ear/eye indicators on the screen of (of both players) would flash red a few times. That's it. A subtle way to alert the player already in-game and the player logging in that someone is now in the vicinity (without having moved there on the current server).

This favors neither the person legitimately logging in or the player already in-game - it gives equal advantage to both. However, for those given to ghosting, it makes it harder to catch their opponent unfairly unaware.

Let me know what you think.

-{CQF}PV2 Bee

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No, because on top of ghosters, it will detect coincidental logins and allow the now aware player to absolutely buttrape this fresh meat, effectively erasing all of their hard-earned loot that they could have protected, had the murderer not seen that big ol' flashy light and both been unaware of the other.

If someone logs out in the middle of combat, and you get killed because they logged on to another server, you were clearly either blatantly obvious or literally stood still for a long period of time.

Relocate and restart the fight. A five-second logout timer would be easier.

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No' date=' because on top of ghosters, it will detect coincidental logins and allow the now aware player to absolutely buttrape this fresh meat, effectively erasing all of their hard-earned loot that they could have protected, had the murderer not seen that big ol' flashy light and both been unaware of the other.

If someone logs out in the middle of combat, and you get killed because they logged on to another server, you were clearly either blatantly obvious or literally stood still for a long period of time.

Relocate and restart the fight. A five-second logout timer would be easier.


It will detect coincidental logins, but I disagree that it will allow, as you say, "buttrape." The fact of the matter is that (1) everyone should always be alert for the possibility of players approaching through legitimate means, and there are usually other ways of detecting players doing so (sound, light, zombies, already looted buildings, etc.) (2) If you took the time to read and understand, you would see that it places no one at a disadvantage. Both the player already in-game, and the player logging in, would receive this subtle warning of 'other player proximity' simultaneously, placing neither of them at an advantage or disadvantage. The warning would give no indication as to the direction or distance of the other player (besides the maximum range of the warning, whatever it would be).

Furthermore, your second assertion - "If someone logs out in the middle of combat, and you get killed because they logged on to another server, you were clearly either blatantly obvious or literally stood still for a long period of time" - is ridiculous. First of all, combat does not consist merely of sustained gunfire. One party may attempt to flank another, otherwise move, or hold fire for whatever purpose. It is not always obvious that one party has logged out for the purposes of ghosting. Secondly, being blatantly obvious or standing still is not a "sin" in combat. You may, as I mentioned in my first post, have a well defended position. Why should you move from it if you have a distinct advantage in staying? The "proximity warning" gives, in this case, the player legitimately holding a position a means to combat those who would, via ghosting, gain an unfair advantage.

The system I suggest is by no means perfect, but I believe it may be a step in the right direction. Thanks for your input.

-{CQF}PV2 Bee

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my solution to server hoping would fix ghosting as well.

(Shorttallguy's Idea - quoted as follows)

i had a similar idea and i posted it on another thread not sure if i should repost it here or not as well soooo... i will. mine is much more simple and better imo.

my counter to your idea is the idea to have it so there is a LONG time limit till your character is logged off. Say 5' date=' 10, 20 ,30mins or even longer your character will remain in game leaving them vulnerable to any passing zombie or player[/b']. This way it solves multiple problems. You can't log in to other servers cause you're still on one PLUS you wont be able to log out to avoid dying. If you get disconnected you will still be able to play because you're character is still on that server and you can return, but only to that server not to any other. Some times people just have to go so let them close the program but let them know their character will persist in the world for a time period leaving them vulnerable. players would have to be specially careful to find a safe place to log off this way.

the only down sides to my idea are the strain on the server side and people getting killed while logged off. As for people getting killed while logged off, you can justify it by having it be like real life sleep. you have to sleep in real life and you are vulnerable in your sleep. in real zombie apocalypse you would be sure to find a VERY safe sleeping area. I'm not sure about the server strain though. I'm sure it can be solved though.

You are correct in saying that it would "fix" ghosting. However, it places legitimately DC'ing players at too great a disadvantage. Take myself for example: I am (a) part of one of the largest units currently playing Dayz and (b) a father of two young sons. Regarding (a): what if I start playing on one server, then a couple minutes in I find out that a large portion of my unit is playing on another server? Should I then be inconvenienced by a loooooong logout timer while waiting to switch servers? Seems like punishment in the game for something that is outside the game. That would be ridiculous. Same with (b): quite frequently, I play after my children have gone to bed. Quite frequently, I play in-game in areas that are hazardous to my character's existence. Quite frequently, my children wake up and need some small thing.

Obviously, I don't want my character to stay in-game while I must deal with the more important real-life situation. However, if your suggestion was implemented, I would have to do just that. Again, I would be punished in-game for something occurring completely outside of the game.

Additionally, you point out flaws in your own solution: server side strain, and players getting killed while LOGGED OFF! In other words, your solution, in essence, forces me to render control of my player (in one way, the whole point of the game - control of your character) to the game. It doesn't work.

Your solution, I'm afraid, is completely untenable.

My solution doesn't punish anyone, especially for circumstances outside of the game, nor does it force you to give up control of your character at any point.

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I know there are like thousand of this suggestion but I´ll mae safeheaven system. Logging out would be like sleeping,rigth? So if you are under fire you certainly dont go to sleep. So if you have tent deployed, you spawn nearby, if you have vehicle you spawn nearby that vehicle (both must be saved and saving would be available once per 10 minutes) or you can sleep in tent that is not yours, risking that you can be looted from the owner of the tent. In your own tent you can´t be looted. When tent is flattened, you would survive but loose some stuff.

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already suggested something similar but it never even got a reply ;(

My idea was to have a noise or something seeing as sound comes on first for those logging in. If someone is in a radius of 1km it will make the noise for both player on the ground and the one loading in. This way both players are aware someone is close, but not close enough that they will find them quickly hence both players will be on guard without knowing where the other person is.

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