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New play needs someone to show around and survive with

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Hi! I just bought the game about 2 hours ago and are still downloading Operation Arrowhead. I'm looking for someone to tag along and show me how to survive in Day Z. I've seen the basics on Youtube videos, but I think it's best learning from someone by playing with them. If you're interested, please add me on Skype or give me your Skype ID. Mine is shuyine. Thanks for reading!

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Hey, I only just started playing yesterday and im still pretty crap but ive played about 2 hours today without dying by basically crawling anywhere near Zombies,, im trying to find others to play with as well.

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Add me on Steam fellas!!! Steam ID is in my sig. I get off work in about an hour, so should be online within 2 hours. Gotta couple of other noobs that I'll be trying to help out too.

I've been playing for several weeks now, so I'll help ya get your feet wet and show you the ropes!

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Hey.I started playing yesterday,still bad.:D

If u looking for more,my steam is sikku_6.

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Hey brother, I started playing yesterday and I have a decent concept of play style from playing this and other games. I have a mic and would love to get some group play in.

steam id is 4hrpr. Skype is Liberteer. I will be playing most of the day.

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You people need to learn what your steam names are...tried to add all of you and none of the names worked.....add me TomViolence aka TV, TV-12, Matt K...etcv

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