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[PhD]Dayz Overpoch Taviana

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  • IP: 
  • TS3 IP: tsks1.vilayer.com:10005
  • www.phddayz.enjin.com
DayZ Launcher is the easiest way to join. Just click to join the server and any mods not downloaded or setup properly will be automatically set up for you!
However for Dayz Commander be sure to have Dayz Overwatch 0.2.5  Dayz Taviana 2.0 and Dayz Epoch installed as well as to have your parameters set to:
There are safezones on all trade cities excluding hero, bandit, wholesale and boat traders.
Server restarts every 4 hours.


  • Walking zombies -  they do twice as much damage, you have to shoot them in the head to effectivly kill them as they take less damage  in other body parts, and there are more of them.
  • AI Mission - Various missions with AI containing varying loot crates and vehicles
  • Roaming AI Helis - UH1H's fly around and patrol the map, they are very agressive towards vehicles.
  • Towing - Pretty self explanatory.
  • Refuel/Repair - Gas stations across the map offer free fuel, and repairs but for a fee.
  • Snap Building - Snap Build Pro 1.4 
  • Elevators - Use metal floors to create elevators to lift yourself and vehicles thought multiple levels. 
Edited by drkauff

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