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Roleplay server?

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Anybody else seen this? I found US12 with the tag [roleplaying] in the title, and apparently there's another one out there as well.

I think this is a great idea, but am interested to hear how the admins plan to treat this server any differently from the others.

Will there be any filtering process to weed out the idiots? Are there going to be clear, regularly enforced rules regarding what is or is not acceptable behavior? Will people be allowed to just run around the coast deathmatching against other players, as many do currently?

There were a lot of painful lessons to be learned from Sahrani Life, Chernarus Life and the other related mods. I hope the admins behind these servers have taken some of them to heart.

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Its part of the game to deal with murdering survivalists in an apocalyptic landscape.

If you are going to roleplay it is still going to be involved as it should be.

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Its part of the game to deal with murdering survivalists in an apocalyptic landscape.

If you are going to roleplay it is still going to be involved as it should be.

People keep saying this, and I just keep laughing at it.

SURVIVAL is the key word here, which is a very distinct concept from DEATHMATCHING.

The majority of killing that goes on right now is deathmatching. People run around the coast killing other players because they can, repeatedly putting themselves in danger in the process. They die very often, but don't care as long as they take someone else down with them.

That isn't survivalism, it's COD type idiocy. Without rules covering this, an RP server isn't going to be any different than the rest.

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