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Car vs Items question

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How come killing someone/stealing their car is so much more glorified than playerkilling?

Sure you get a car out of it, but what if you get an M107 or silenced M4 out of killing someone? Technically that is the same as killing someone for their car, depending on how the individual see's the importance of each thing.

The only difference that is noticeable is that people don't start to cry about it when you kill someone for their vehicle.

This isn't an angry post and I'm not someone who just lost their vehicle, I'm just really curious as to why some carebears can be so passionate about morality and kindness, then cheer someone on for sabotaging a vehicle.

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Its funnier when you steal the car while the guy is looking, and then run him over with it.

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To be honest with you, If someone were to kill me for one of my vehicles they would get some pretty nice stuff. So I guess it really comes down to what caliber of person is driving the vehicle.

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Or get it to top speed and eject it into the ocean, or tree, or zeds, or anything really.

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