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Looking for mature Team Players 20+

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Hey guys me and two friends have been at it for about a week straight, but inevitably things fall apart to the larger groups of bandits surrounding the more glorious loot locations (airfields)(cities) and vehicles. We are looking to take on mature age 20+(some exceptions) organized players who are looking at a long term group of 10-15+ players, who will work as a team and contribute to the group. Weekly ops are mandatory (focusing on rebuilding vehicles & managing supplies of ammo and high level weapons) with flexible hours. We are not looking for players wanting to pull the lone wolf stunt, and playing as a gorup at their convenience. We want to have fun but keep a common goal. Add me on steam.

Steam: cjust689

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  'cjust689` said:

Hey guys me and two friends have been at it for about a week straight' date=' but inevitably things fall apart to the larger groups of bandits surrounding the more glorious loot locations (airfields)(cities) and vehicles. We are looking to take on mature age 20+(some exceptions) organized players who are looking at a long term group of 10-15+ players, who will work as a team and contribute to the group. Weekly ops are mandatory (focusing on rebuilding vehicles & managing supplies of ammo and high level weapons) with flexible hours. We are not looking for players wanting to pull the lone wolf stunt, and playing as a gorup at their convenience. We want to have fun but keep a common goal. Add me on steam.

Steam: cjust689


This sounds like what I'm looking for. Time zone/servers?

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  'nothx said:

Hey guys me and two friends have been at it for about a week straight' date=' but inevitably things fall apart to the larger groups of bandits surrounding the more glorious loot locations (airfields)(cities) and vehicles. We are looking to take on mature age 20+(some exceptions) organized players who are looking at a long term group of 10-15+ players, who will work as a team and contribute to the group. Weekly ops are mandatory (focusing on rebuilding vehicles & managing supplies of ammo and high level weapons) with flexible hours. We are not looking for players wanting to pull the lone wolf stunt, and playing as a gorup at their convenience. We want to have fun but keep a common goal. Add me on steam.

Steam: cjust689


This sounds like what I'm looking for. Time zone/servers?

My timezone is MDT at the moment (Arizona) Server is located in texas (central time) will give out through steam if you decide to group up. We play 5pm Central -12 central almost daily, weekends vary on availability.

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[XI] is currently a group of 6 daily active mature players 20+. We use skype or my community teamspeak, We have survived as long as we have by working together and designating player roles within the group while doing hospital runs, or airfield raids. if your interested send me a pm or email me at hiroshima.905@gmail.com

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i also live in AZ, and run with a group of players, i tried adding you on steam, your profile seems to not be working..

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I'll check the issue with my steam but

you can add me on skype also cjust689

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Hey man, avid BF3 and SC2 player, quite tactical and intelligent enough to hopefully help your group :P

Sent you an invite on Steam and Skype early, 21 Nirvana620/Plus my real life Skype name. I currently have my character lightly armed and half dead near the airstrip somewhere on the coast.

(West coast time btw)

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