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CAR KEYS, more cars, less wrecks, SKILLS

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Hello, i had some great suggestions, which would make the gameplay way better maybe, if they are even possible.

What about replacing most of the car wrecks around the world with different WORKING Cars, only thing recuired for those cars should be a KEY which first has to be found in a house or on a dead/undead body in a town nearby.

Every carbrand should have its own key.

For example: Chernarus has 10 cars, then there should be 1-3 carkeys which can be found to get away with the car. (a lock/unlock script should be added too then).

Players should finally have the ability to skill themselve, one of the skills should be lock picking, so people could lock pick vehicles, if they can't find the key. (no lock/unlock script for those)

(thats why some cars still should be damaged, so people won't just get away with every car they find.


About the lock picking, there should be weaponboxes or other chests added to some areas, so people have to lock pick those boxes, to get the item, would be a really cool feature, which would make the gameplay alot better.

To let there be more places to loot, maybe there should be some Building types added. Like Police Departments which also have Police Cars.

Imagine: You and your friends chased by tons of zombies, you get into a Police Department, barricade yourself in,


Jonny has trys to lock pick the key chest fast as possible... "he gets 5 keys and has to try which is the right one for the Ford Victoria"

James wasn't able to open the weaponboxes and is now stuck in a room with zombies. he shoots his way trough the zombies with his last magazine, and all 3 friends drove off with the Ford Vic in the last second.

LOLOL, sorry just watched some shit.

Well, lets list all my ideas again.

1. Car Keys, Less Wrecks.

2. Skills, (Lock Picking)

3. New Building Types (more enterable buildings)

would be tooooo cool. would also change the gameplay alot and would make it more special.

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Hm, indeed I hate the idea that every car in Day Z is just a broken heap; it doesn't seem like a very likely outcome realistically. I'm all for some rickety, slow cars you can fit a few fellows in for a journey just to save you some walking time or store some things in, I think that keeps a really gritty feel to the game.

The idea of only requiring car keys I don't enjoy too much. If anything that makes obtaining vehicles, which are very important and useful tools, far too easy to obtain. For logically, if I found a car it should only make sense the body with the key is in a local areas so there isn't much effort or much danger that you require now to get a heap up and running.

Perhaps for the better cars, armoured ones or what have you, you can have the ability to patch up and get going as you do now.

However, allowing for not so common slow and rickety cars/trucks as I mentioned which require fuel and/or tires to get going would be a nice addition to make the game a little more interesting.

On your topic of skills, I'm not too sure how it would work. What adds experience point? playtime, player kills, zombie kills?

The ability to skill a tree doesn't seem very much into the feel of this mod if I'm honest, sounds more like those who can grind through tasks enough get an easier time playing.

Bandits would get player kills and zombie kills and as such obtain better gear from that and therefore be more likely to survive longer. This allows them to skill up in various trees while players who do not wish to player kill then already lose out on one skill tree. It doesn't feel like it would end up as much of a fair system and seems to encourage meta-gaming which this mod seems to want to be a departure from.

Clearly also lockpicking seems a better option. While I can have my medical kit do more I don't intend on getting hit. While I can do more damage, a few shots are usually enough. While I can survive on less food, I can just stock up on food as easily. If lockpicking gives me access to items nobody else can have then its obvious the majority would take this option?

On the issue of enterable buildings, I agree. Hospitals, police stations and just basic buildings I can walk in to chill out or spend the night in would be a big help. Police stations and hospitals would of course be rare because let's face it there aren't a million of either in every town. Likely also the target of raids, which encourages some action and risk into the game.

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New building types yes please.

I am kinda tired of the standard barn, shed, hangar, church layout. Skilling, hmmm it seems ok, but it just makes Vets all the better and fresh people all the worse underequipped.

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there really should be more buildings, that would be tooooo epic, and if this becomes real, then imagine modded buildings like apartments, Police Departments, with LOCKABLE and BARRICADEABLE doors, if players find, recuired items or door keys, they should be able to hold them zombies off for some time, means that when atleast 5 zombies are trying to get trough the door, a timer will get started. when the time is over the zombies finally should have broken the door.

if the door is better secured, then there should also be more time, to hold those beasts off.

im not sure if this is possible, but if this would be part of the mod... AWW SHIiiii i would play 24/7

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My Opinion on these areas:

Cars: Stick with the repairs and fuel etc but (slightly) increase the number of cars at the expense of rarer quantities of petrol. The keys idea is probably a little difficult to implement and seems a little unnecessary as i think your main gripe is probably the availability of cars. Which I tend to agree with.

Skills: Not too sold on your ideas here as i feel it takes away from the simplicity and player skill level involved and replaces it with something to akin to regular (boring) commercial games these days.

Buildings: Totally agree with you on this front and unlike Alex doubt that it is impossible. It is however likely to be time consuming (as he mentioned) and therefore more likely to happen if/when this becomes an official release.

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