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Starting to get the hang of this game. Some general questions

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First of all, how do I toggle back my debug menu? I can't see how much blood I have or my temperature.

Second, how can I test to see if my microphone is working? I pushed comma until it said "Direct Communication" but when I hit CAPS LOCK to talk to a guy, he didn't respond and just kind of scurried away.

Also, I seem to have lost my backpack. I assume it was removed when I picked up more items than I could carry. I wasn't paying attention. Any suggestions?

What's the best place to find some kind of firearm? I've never found one. I carry around a hatchet for self-defense and a lot of soda. I have a good amount of sidearm ammo too.

Finally, why are the sounds I make SO LOUD? When the ear marker says I'm making little noise, I don't like to hear loud scraping noises or heavy thuds. It makes me feel like someone is near when I'm absolutely alone.

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1. It shouldn't go in the first place.

2. Some people do not respond or you're mic is not working, get some of your friends to check.

3. Find another backpack on the floor. You could of lost it in water or you wasn't paying attention and dropped it.

4. Well if you are sneaky and avoid zombies hit the main City' (Elektro and Cherno) Here is a quick tip: Take a good amount of food/drink/equipment/firearms and a new backpack and get the hell out of there.

5. Crouch or go prone, and check how high you're volume is on you're speakers. You actually might not be loud and it depends on what terrain you are on.

Hopefully I helped you here and hopefully a more experienced player comes by to answer your questions since I might not be entirely right.

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If you hit either of the cities first on a fresh character, there's no harm in dying.

If you can get a knife, box of matches, hatchet then you'll be fine to get the hell out of there, explore and find some weapons in a much quieter location. Deer stands spawn good loot.

If you want to be risky get to the hospital and get some morphine. Take as much morphine as you possibly can. Epi-pens are useless and a waste of slot, unless you play with someone who likes to go unconscious all the time, and blood bags are only good if you have friends. You can't use them on yourself, and getting someone else to do it for you that you don't know is suicide.

Anything else isn't required from the city. A bag would be nice, a tent would be nice, but the supermarkets usually picked clean anyway. So, get the above items (morphine first if you can, since this is the highest risk and getting other shit first then losing them would be worse).

With the matches you can light a fire, with the axe you can get wood and silent kills, with the knife you gut animals to get meat to cook on your fire. With the morphine if you break your leg you can fix it up. Morphine, as I said, should take priority over anything else, it's so hard to come by outside of the city.

Guns you can find anywhere.

Remember, buildings which you can see through glass, you can enter, those you can't see through, you can't enter. BIG red ones, medium yellow ones, and 1 of 2 long brown ones (has 3 windows on the end I think). Barns often have a winchester/lee enfield.

For a newer player winchester might be better, it's a lot quieter and enfield makes a hella bang.

good luck out there.

Oh, and likely hood is, if the guy scurried away when you spoke to him, your mic is probably working.

DON'T go speaking to people when you have decent loot. Most WILL shoot you.

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