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Game Changing Sound Problem

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Ok, So I am surprised this has not been sorted and as far as I am aware it has not even been mentioned yet. When ever you are facing a player, zombie or whatever else any sound made by them is not heard or becomes very quiet. So if a player is shooting at you in the distance from the direction you are facing you will probably not hear it. This is probably the reason people keep dying and having no idea how it happened.


I believe it was the same in the mod. You could hear a helicopter or a car but when you looked in that direction it goes quite.

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Dude, seriously? I guess you are new to DayZ to not realize sound problems are one of the biggest problems of DayZ and that they have never addressed in since at least 2012.

You are asking the worst possible question here, besides hacking problems.

I'd say the top two ignored issues are hacking and sound problems. Maybe summer of 2015 we might see working silencers and ambient sound issues fixed. But to ask right now means you have no idea how badly this is ignored.

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Dude, seriously? I guess you are new to DayZ to not realize sound problems are one of the biggest problems of DayZ and that they have never addressed in since at least 2012.

You are asking the worst possible question here, besides hacking problems.

I'd say the top two ignored issues are hacking and sound problems. Maybe summer of 2015 we might see working silencers and ambient sound issues fixed. But to ask right now means you have no idea how badly this is ignored.


Yeah and I hate those zombies that wear slippers so you can't hear em creep up on you. Luckly I drink powered milk for super strong bones!

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