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abstract (DayZ)

This mod is too hard for new players.

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I bought this mod like a week ago. I've been playing it daily for a couple of hours, trying to scavange houses and stuff. It always ends with me either being shot by some random bandit or being overwhelmed by zombies. I've never ever found a weapon, except for the hatchet.

I've watched countless tutorial videos on YouTube but they all tell me the same thing - make your way into a town and get some weapons. I can't do this since I have got no idea how to know where I am on the map...

I've played for like 6 hours today and I've scavanged probably 30 houses or more, trying to find a weapon, but I found nothing.

Please, can someone help me? I have tried asking people in-game for help but I just get shot... :(

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I bought this mod like a week ago. I've been playing it daily for a couple of hours' date=' trying to scavange houses and stuff. It always ends with me either being shot by some random bandit or being overwhelmed by zombies. I've never ever found a weapon, except for the hatchet.

I've watched countless tutorial videos on YouTube but they all tell me the same thing - make your way into a town and get some weapons. I can't do this since I have got no idea how to know where I am on the map...

I've played for like 6 hours today and I've scavanged probably 30 houses or more, trying to find a weapon, but I found nothing.

Please, can someone help me? I have tried asking people in-game for help but I just get shot... :(


Add me on Steam, my ID is in my sig. I'll be on later tonight, around 8 PM CST (-6 UTC).

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All new players since the patch that deprived you of any starting weapon have been through the same I'd guess - I certainly have. Here's a couple of things to try:

Barns: Find one remote from towns where the zombie count can be a bit high. If you're lucky the zombies may wander away and you can sneak right in. Possibly a zombie will be lurking inside but don't worry if so, when close run in and up the stairs. If you're luck's in there'll be a weapon on the top level and if not then try the other side - you should be able to dodge the zombies, they're pretty slow indoors. If you get the luxury of a choice grab the hatchet and use that to deal with any threat inside as that won't attract any attention.

Deer stands: Make your way to one and a few hundred metres out go crouched and move forward cautiously. When zombies appear wait - they usually wander off away from the stand and I've only ever seen three of them at a time. When they're a good distance off you should be able to scuttle along to the stand without being spotted and see what you've scored. If you get a gun resist the temptation to have a pop at the zombies until your a good way from the stand. A surprisingly large number can teleport in, I burnt through three clips worth of an AK making that mistake.

Following this sage advice may still result in death from one cause or another but it should shorten your odds.

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Having a group of people works well too whisper me your in game steam id and you can band with my merry men

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Going into towns unarmed is not advisable, try going through barns on the country-side and other smaller targets which often spawn low tier guns. Barns are also perfect to loose all zeds running behind you as they quickly loose track of you as you can out run them as they can't run inside buildings.

Big towns are high risk, high reward so of course it's hard if you always go in them.

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I bought this mod like a week ago. I've been playing it daily for a couple of hours' date=' trying to scavange houses and stuff. It always ends with me either being shot by some random bandit or being overwhelmed by zombies. I've never ever found a weapon, except for the hatchet.

I've watched countless tutorial videos on YouTube but they all tell me the same thing - make your way into a town and get some weapons. I can't do this since I have got no idea how to know where I am on the map...

I've played for like 6 hours today and I've scavanged probably 30 houses or more, trying to find a weapon, but I found nothing.

Please, can someone help me? I have tried asking people in-game for help but I just get shot... :(


This game can be really hard but you have to understand its really easy when you know how to play!


when you don't have anything to loss run in city's because you can loss the zombies in no time by running into a building(hopefully with an exit but if you'r are stuck log off and login and the zombies around you will disappear) you can also use the zombies as a weapon!

You can find your location on the map by reading signs!

Some players are dicks but some are not,so don't shoot everyone!

Use Direct voice chat to talk to people!

Don't scare people i was killed a few times by my friends because people can become very perenoid in this game one small scare can make them shoot without thinking...

Don't walk in open areas!

Join a clan if you really wan't friends to play with!

NWO is a really nice clan!

If you don't have anything to loss go to city's and towns you can find some good supply's and you will have some cover!

Going into towns unarmed is not advisable' date=' try going through barns on the country-side and other smaller targets which often spawn low tier guns. Barns are also perfect to loose all zeds running behind you as they quickly loose track of you as you can out run them as they can't run inside buildings.

Big towns are high risk, high reward so of course it's hard if you always go in them.


That is a bad advise because new players can get easily lost trying to find one small town,Big city's are good for new players because you can find tons of supply's and you can easily loose zombies!

Going into towns unarmed is not advisable' date=' try going through barns on the country-side and other smaller targets which often spawn low tier guns. Barns are also perfect to loose all zeds running behind you as they quickly loose track of you as you can out run them as they can't run inside buildings.

Big towns are high risk, high reward so of course it's hard if you always go in them.


Big city's are less risk then small towns from my experience!

Because in the big city's you have many buildings that have multiple exits my favorite is the firehouse!

there are hostile players but its safer in big city's because you have more cover!

Barn are ok if you find some weapon but even one barn in nowhere can have tons of zombies spawn near it!

and you can get lost really fast trying to find one!

City's for me are high reward medium risk and they are good for new players that don't have anything to loose!

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If they made it easier for new players, the vets would find it even easier

If you as a new player, do better then you'll become a vet and regret it was made easier

A new player will have a different experience each time the harder it is, thus more replay value. If you're doing the same mistakes over and over, that's something you'll have to adjust on your own and think of different tactics.

First: Make a note of WHERE you spawn the very second you log in. Minimize, find a map online, head to the city. Hit the hospital, get morphine and do one of two things. Take a risk to find a gun and other tools (if you find all 4 knife..matches..hatchet and water bottle get the hell out of the city (preferably with morphine) and find a gun out in the stix. You can survive forever with those items killing wild animals) Or, you can grab the morphine and get out and explore, finding deer stands is your best bet. Staying away from coastal areas also.

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