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Buying Arma 2 /Arrow Head to play!

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Hello guys,

Sorry if the question is already asked but can i use the free 2 play Arma 2 buy Arrow Head and play the mod, or should i buy the whole combined operations. Also if i can use the first method is there any downside to it?

Looking forward to try the mod. Looks very good.Thank you for advance for the answers and don't bash the noob :P


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I believe you can use A2F but if I were you I would MUCH rather buy A2:CO. Its worth the money that you have to spend.

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Hello guys' date='

Sorry if the question is already asked but can i use the free 2 play Arma 2 buy Arrow Head and play the mod, or should i buy the whole combined operations. Also if i can use the first method is there any downside to it?

Looking forward to try the mod. Looks very good.Thank you for advance for the answers and don't bash the noob :P



Grab ArmA II: Combined Operations on Steam, and grab the two DLC packs while your at it. The DLC is not REQUIRED for DayZ, but they are for alot of the other ArmA mods and non-DayZ servers.

Add me on Steam if you want some help getting your feet wet, my Steam ID is in my sig below. Hope you enjoy DayZ!

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For the record:

DayZ works with Arma2free. However with the extra cost for the full arma being only 3-4 € that might be the "better" option.

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Hey guys, sorry if my question is stupid ;p but ... Can you tell me whether I need to buy Arma2 and Arma2: CO separately. Or just CO is enough because I couldn't find any information about that.

Thx for responding

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Combined Operations will give you both Arma 2 and Arma 2:OA, so there is no need to purchase Arma 2 and Combined Operations.

Some of the DLC will also give you higher quality textures.

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Hey guys' date=' sorry if my question is stupid ;p but ... Can you tell me whether I need to buy Arma2 and Arma2: CO separately. Or just CO is enough because I couldn't find any information about that.

Thx for responding


Arma2:Combined operations equals Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead.

Or better yet go and buy ARMA X: Anniversary Edition for 29,99 EUR on Steam sale which includes :Arma 2, British Armed Forces, Operation Arrowhead, Private Military Companies, ARMA 1 Cold war assault & Gold edition.

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To clarify as it is easy to misunderstand.

Arma II Free is Arma II but with lower resolution textures. I.e. poor blurry quality. It works with dayz, but as far as I know it only allows mods when merged with OA making it a poor texture Combined Operations.

There are DLCs for this game. Everyone has the DLC content, but at this low quality we keep coming back to. This means that no mod actually requires you to buy the DLC, but it won't look fantastic!

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or you can wait until Monday and most likely a steam sale

What makes you think there will be a steam sale with CO on Monday? And what makes you think it will cost less than € 18.74?

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Yup I was wandering too because I'm ready to buy this game but if there is a discount tomorrow, i'll just buy it tomorrow ;p

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