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Lord Turner

Just a few suggestions...i have a so many.

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I like the realism i love the setting, overall a brilliant production thus far, however being alpha/beta there is room for improvement and explanation, and form what i can tell the dev do not rush forward and seem to think through their decisions. So hear are a few suggestions for any comments and dev consideration.

Firstly i think the out map area needs to be removed so people cant drive vehicles out there and save them, or tents for that matter. its obvious why so i shan't explain.

Clan Radio

I think more cooperative play encouraging features should be considered, my first suggestion in this regard is a "clan" or "faction" beacon or calling card, this item would allow survivors who have located a beacon and claimed it to carry it around set it up and allow others to interact with this item, then linking them to each other and allowing use of a "open" channel for chat like a "clan" radio system this system also would allow people with GPS to know the locations of other clan members and share each others maps information but most importantly those who have used it will identify when aimed at as "friendly". This effect should only count per life, thus if you die you would need to locate someone with a clan radio and use it to gain the benefits again, and if the "leader" or one who has possession of the radio is killed 1, it can be reset and used or two it could be "decoded" or "hacked" if the player is in possession of a toolkit or a new toolkit type "electronics kit" or "hack kit". I understand there is a lot hear, but the basic concept is to allow those who wish to join together better ability to "not" shoot each other locate each-other and work as a team using "radio" chat.


Secondly "team" cooperative play is something a little wishful perhaps, but how about some "paddles" good old "revive" so if a player has been reduced to 0 or negatives in blood if a team mate has a medical kit or revive paddles or perhaps both a medical kit or paddles or battery's so that it can not be used over and over, something to make it limited but possible so that if a frenziedly is with you and you are killed there is a way they can bring your remains to life again.


Another, and i am sure i am not the first to suggest this would be a "clan" or a "friendly" spawn beacons. I am certain that working in a new sub spawn system would not be easy, but imagine if various locations across the maps such as "forts, military bases and major towns" had triage tents, if a friendly of the same clan, or anyone "activates" a triage tent the players on the server that are dead can "opt" to spawn at this friendly site. Another way to do this would be to allow tents or "sat" becons to be placed only outside city areas say only in forrest areas but that player tent is linked to that player account and upon death the player can respawn at the tent ? i know this may change the game somewhat, however if we as players have the abialty to locate fortify and take over or do whatever we desire within this sandbox zombie nightmeare i dont see any reason why we cant have a more selective spawning system, even if it just let you chose out of 10 map locations rather than just along the cost over and over.

Broken bones

I think there should be at least one other way to resolve a broken leg, a medical kit + bandages + something ? or some variation or combination of items to allow a leg to be repaired so that those deep inland are not stuck crawling a 100 miles lol. OR.... make it harder to break limbs, i mean i have broken a leg hoping over a fence.. or being 1 hit by a zombie .... gosh i have been in brawls IRL iv been stabbed once and fallen of a 2 story roof and i didn't break a leg lol perhaps we could tone down this really highly unlikely but terribly mortifying event in day z.

Tricks & Traps

I am certain i am not the only one, but it be real nice to see some "trip wire" to combine with explosives to create traps on spawned weapons in doorways etc etc, as well as bear and rabbit traps for "crippling" unsuspecting victims. Not to mention if i was in a zombi Apocalypse id really booby trap the shit out of my car/bike/...vehicle so that if someone was not looking in the right space and they tried to hijack my car they would regret it. I mean how sweet would it be to setup a non lethal flash bang or smoke grenade trap or even a frag grenade trip wire trap ? even land mines perhaps ... and if we have trip wires we will need wire cutters to disarm them, or a hunting knife and if we have land mines perhaps a "metal detector" that will beep when within proximity of said land mines.

Non lethal / Unconsciousness

ok, yeah yeah its supposed to be "real" ok fine if i shoot you with an AK you die or even pistol but ... what about the non lethal ? i mean fark what happened to all that police riot hear ? tazers ? tear gas ? gods... what about an old fashion baseball bat or even rubber bullets for shotguns ? i think it be great for me to be able to shoot first and be able to ask questions after as apposed to looting a fresh corpse, besides wed make friends more often lol

Binding and entrapment

With the additions of non lethal, or even without how about some handcuffs ? i mean if i take someone down and i dont trust them i could shoot them with rubber bullets or tazer them down. Then drag their unconscious body into a house or someplace handcuff them or tie their legs with rope or something of the like. Then ask them questions perhaps barter for their life, and remember the player can always chose to hit that old re-spawn button and opt out of such situations if they so desire it.


I think a secondary storage should be added if possible that is only for primary ammunition much like pistol ammo, at least 4-6 slots for primary weapon ammo, considered it a tactical vest or a bullet belt to allow for a practical increase in carrying capacity without increasing overall pack size to something to unrealistic or overpowered.

Weapon modifications

Ok last one for tonight, how about some weapon modification units that you can find, and use a toolkit or can only use if you posses a tool kit and attach certain modifications to certain guns, such as an enfield with a scope ? or finding a standard m16 and placing a scope ? extended mags ? extended range .... how about a flashlight or a red dot ? anything really would be good.

Ok well there are a few ideas i have jottend down as i have been playing i know some are out there but others i think are practical and more than possible within the capabilites of the game itself, i hope that some of these things or similar additions are added to the game.

p.s I think that zombi de-spawn time after log-out should be increased to 1-5min, to avoid people server hoping to avoid zombie attack, and the "log-out" process or aborting should take at least 1min to avoid people logging upon a hostile encounter. currently i see people logging in and out to do these things a lot and it really makes it hard to play legitimately when people are logging in combat and avoiding zombie or even worse logging to another server moving to stand behind you and logging back in and shooting you in the back of the head. Not skill there doing this just makes you an asshole exploiter.

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I love the idea of knocking someone out with a baseball bat. Gives the option of either saying 'hai lets team up' or driving them off to your camp and executing them.

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I love the idea of knocking someone out with a baseball bat. Gives the option of either saying 'hai lets team up' or driving them off to your camp and executing them.

Why would you execute them? Only if they were murderers?

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Okay, I have to say no to the shock paddles. That's just not how medicine works. When you're dead here, you start over. That's the main premise of this game. There's unconsciousness already, and Epi-pens, and that's enough for me. Adding in shock paddles that magically bring the dead back to life would just make this edge closer to Call of Duty, which is what this isn't. The best way to make any game realistic is to make people afraid of getting shot, just like real life.

Another way this works is making the spawn work the way it does. If it was just like Battlefield, where it would be "Hey, watch my stuff for twelve seconds while I come back and get it", the game would lose its fear of death. And personally, I like how you have to go back and get dead players, or rendezvous with them.

Most of the rest I understand and agree with. Weapon modifications would perhaps be interesting, but that's not too important in my eyes. Just another thing to pick up and lose, and besides, there are already all sorts of different weapons. M16A2 has iron sights, M16A4 has ACOG, etc.

Clan radio would be nice, but it should be tied to the physical radio item. It exists in ArmA, and I think they could modify it a bit to work.


Remember where all of the wire barricades are.

Now imagine all of those replaced with hidden Claymore antipersonnel mines rigged to tripwires.

Think about it.

Every airfield, every fire station, every hospital, every industrial building, every gas station. Rigged to blow.

If they were rare, that would be okay. But think about how pissed off you'd be if you just happened to step on a mine somebody left laying around two weeks ago.

Captivity- think of how that would feel to the victim. I've wondered about making a game where players, when caught by police, had to spend actual game time in a jail. Then I realized, they'd hate it. You have two options. You could let them log out as soon as they got caught, or remove their ability to log out entirely. And option two is ridiculous. Why should I have to stay up all night watching my character be tied to a chair just because People want me there. Maybe if you implemented an escape system. But it just sounds way too hard to implement.

Finally, I agree with the typical MMO solution to combat logging- make it take ten seconds, during which you were defenseless.

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I love the idea of knocking someone out with a baseball bat. Gives the option of either saying 'hai lets team up' or driving them off to your camp and executing them.

Yeah that would be awesome u could kidnap clan members and get a ransom for them... but i think a life wouldn´t be that much worth...

but if u want to show someone ur base and don´t want him to know where it is would be possible too

handcuffs/ something to blindfold would be great as well etc...

Edited by Solarstorm

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The weapon modification won't work in ARMA II. Some mods have worked around it by switching weapon models on command, but the problem is that each custom build of a weapon requires a unique weapon model. So let's take the enfield, and pretend that there are two available modifications for it, the silencer, and the scope. Then you need one model with the silencer only, one with the silencer and the scope, and one with only the scope. With only three options, that is three new models of the gun. If you add more modifications, like red dot sights, bipods, underbarrel grenade launchers etc. your looking at hundreds of new models. As much as I would love to see this in this game, I must disappoint you, it's close to impossible. In ARMA III on the other hand, it is possible, due to changes in the engine.

I'm sorry.

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I like the idea of ransom and all that, but what's stopping players from just hitting that respawn button?

Also some interaction with the enviornment would be nice, knock out a bandit and tie him to a bench in the church, now that's badass.

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I am fairly sure i seen all of these pass by in other threads, or in threads of their own :) ... but not bad for a first go, hoping for ones that are truely new though, and do use search if you'dd please :)

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I like the radio beacon and walkie talkie idea and all that, but all that should be required to infiltrate them is the use of them in enemy hands. Walkie talkie comms should be able to be hacked into by being within range and on the right frequency. As for hack kits and tool kits, no. Here's why: you are adding a new set of things to the game, which would be defined as devices. Say you had civilian classes, (read my post on this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...z-have-classes/) and one was an electrician, basically a device manager, one who can use the technology well, that might work then. Those are the ones who should be able to use those kits to repair and hack devices. It kind of ruins the immersion when everyone can repair all-but-lost vehicles, pilot helicopters, and give friends successful blood transfusions, so this should be in the way of classes, especially if you are talking about clans using these items.

Revive- They are dead. You can't give them more blood by zapping their lifeless corpse.

Spawns? I don't like it. At all. It can be abused. What's stopping you from setting spawn behind an enemy base, going in gun-ho, then not worrying as you respawn not far away and still in range? Now you'll make up some, "well no, the person who owns the base would approve their spawn if they were a friend." Well now we have to deal with marking territory, ownership, and spawn requests. This can and will be abused. I don't really think you REALLY wanted this, just thought "If it worked it'd be nice." It would, but it won't, so it isn't.

Broken Bones- In my opinion it should work like Fallout crippled limbs. If you fracture (which is more of what it is in the game than breaking) you go down and crawl but you're still moving your leg, when you play Day Zed. Like in Fallout, you should just move slower and drag your leg, but still be standing. Making a splint may be a good way to help your limb until it heals. You should only be able to hold 1 handed weapons if it's an arm splint. Also, limbs should not heal if only painkillers are used. Splints should be easy to make. Because they actually are. Might require new animations and coding, but it's not just for aesthetics, it's better than having to crawl with both legs now.

For traps, bear trap has been added.

Non-Lethal Ect- A suggestion for a tranquilizer gun has already been posted, and is a good idea, as it does allow for a more merciful game.

Bindings- What if they just leave you there? You can't get out, and you can't do anything. Fun.

Ammunition- Use what you got, no special treatment for ammo, it's just like any other item, so it should be treated like it.

Weapon mods, again, not everyone knows how to put gun mods on, and not everyone has the tools to. You can still find some guns with a scope besides a snipe or a pistol with a silencer.

Edited by OW22

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