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[] Spawning in the middle of the air

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Date/Time: 2012-06-29 10PM UTC+2

What happened: Where jumping between servers since i couldn't remember on what server i had placed a tent earlier. I had ran up to where my tent was and kept jumping between servers. Found the correct server but spawned about 30m up in the air and fell to my certain death. (Could possibly be standing ''inside'' the tent when spawning in)

Also when i instantly ran back to my tent where i died there was no body so i couldnt get all of my gear back...

Where you were: Mountain North-east of Elektro. Dobryy i think its called.

What you were doing: Logging in while standing just by or possibly on a tent.

*Current installed version: Dayz + Latest Arma2 Beta

*Server(s) you were on: SE 10

*Your system specs:

OS: Windows ultimate 64-bit

Motherboard: MSI Z68-GD55

CPU: Intel i5 2500K

Graphics card: Geforce GTX580

RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengance

*Timeline of events before/after error: Logging in and out continuosly at the same place

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