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Issen (DayZ)

Cant skin animals

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SKS [...] bayonets are for stabbing, not cutting they don't have sharp edges. The M4 bayonet should work when it doesn't, so that's a bug.


Wrong. The mosin bayonet dates back to the times when the bayonet was a more common tool to kill foes with than the gun itself, when armies would still face each other lined up in big units.


The idea of a bayonet with multiple uses was already quite common after World War I. The Garand bayonet, the K98 bayonet, are thin and long but they are bladed! You could carve and hack with them in the same way you could with the SKS bayonet.


Having said that, an M4 or AKM bayonet would be more practical for carving meat than an SKS bayonet (but also a kitchen knife, in fact!) due to the curvature of the tip. But that could be handled easily in the game by giving a higher or lower percentage of meat (or tier level of pelt) depending on what you use.


EDIT: I just did some research and it seems that this SKS bayonet exists as a dull-bladed spike but also as a long-blade. Can't tell if this has anything to with the country of origin. It seems they are dull by default but can be sharpened.


The point that I really need to make here is:








Since the 0.48 or 0.49 update, I have searched a dozen towns like Vybor, Polana, Svetlo and even Severograd, and I have not found.... ONE.... SINGLE.... KITCHEN KNIFE


What kind of post-apocalyptic scenario offers thousands of 7.62x39 rounds, hundreds of cans of baked beans, dozens of SKS rifles but not ONE SINGLE KITCHEN KNIFE????


In fact, after raiding a military camp, I'd expect to find at least one combat knife tucked away under a bed somewhere, or on a commander's desk, or HELL even on a zombie I just shot down.


Is this supposed to make the survival mechanics seem more exciting? Simple by making at item rare that, in such a scenario, would be common as dirt?

Edited by ColonelBurton
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I am 99.999% certain that that is also a pattern of knife bayonet.   It looks exactly like the "official" blade bayonet that really is permanently (usually) affixed under the barrel. Also, why have a blade (narrow cross section, thin edges) if it isn't a knife bayonet? 



The edge isn't narrow. At least not as narrow as a blade, just like a letter openers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_knife


All military SKSs have a bayonet attached to the underside of the barrel, which is extended and retracted via a spring-loaded hinge. Both blade and spike bayonets were produced. Some versions, such as the Yugoslavian-made M59/66 variant, are also equipped with a grenade launching attachment.

Regardless, i agree that you should still be able to cut with it. I was really surprised/disappointed after whichever patch it was that removed its ability to cut.

Edited by Chompster

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