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DayZEpoch / En-[CHK] -Full Mission AI / Safe Area / Tow / lift / Custom map (UTC-1)

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This server has just opened 


To join us one address: 


Additions that have been made: 


- Self Zone 

- Lift / Tow 

- Safe Zone 

- Patrol AI

- Missions AI (DZMS and WAI) 

- All custom trader 

- Custom map 

- Enhanced Anti-Hack 

- Even more to come ... 


Our more: Admins and active listening to all players. 



A few simple rules: 


- PVE Server 

- No offensive language: insults, threats, all forms of racism and discrimination 

- No stealing bases, vehicles, etc.. ... 

- Respect and courtesy 

- Mutual assistance between players 

- No building within around 1000m trades (any non-compliance will result in removal of the base) 

- No winching, vehicle towing obviously already owned by another player (Lock or not) 

- No squat market areas 

- No diversion of the normal use of the game, known exploits of the game will result in a permanent ban

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Latest Additions: 


- Snaping (construction aid) 

- Service Point (repair station) 

- Radio vehicle 

- Suicide 

- Dance around the fire 

- Flip vehicle 

- Helicopter evacuation

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AI have seized Tchernogorsk, come and challenge to reach their reserve weapons and exclusive items

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The server is becoming more dynamic and all its members are highly motivated! Currently, three teams and some players without a team populate the server during the day and night in a very nice atmosphere. 

We are actively pursuing all players (solo / team in / wanting to create a team) wishing to take full advantage of the mod dayz most active and who shares our vision of the server. 

see you soon.

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