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psyth (DayZ)

Walking Dead USMC

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1/9 The Walking Dead USMC is a military realism gaming community focused on the Day Z mod for ArmA 2. Our mission is to provide a gaming environment that simulates the traditions, tactics, and environment of the United States Marine Corps as closely as possible. Integrity and respect are the guiding principles behind WDU. Our ranks include actual infantry and security forces Marines along with criminal justice professionals. We strive to reproduce the camaraderie or "Esprit De Corps” that the structure and discipline of a military environment brings. Veteran military, police, those who are considering joining these professions or anyone who enjoys a highly structured environment will find a home here.

Our Clan is recruiting as well as looking for rival clans and players to participate in our relatively fresh server.

Server Info:

DayZ - US35 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:OFF) dayzmod.com - Walking Dead USMC | Vilayer.com

50 Player

Location: Los Angeles, California

Difficulty: Regular

3rd Person: ON

Crosshairs: Off

Auto Spot: Off

Tags: Off

Max Ping: 250

Server Time: UTC-9

(Snipers must SEE you to kill you, not just shoot at a name tag.)

*We ban for disconnecting to avoid death in PVP combat as well as racism.

Our Server is restarted every 4 hours to maximize performance, loot and synchronization.

WDUSMC Website: http://wdu.enjin.com/

Edited by psyth

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Sorry to those players that have been on our server regularly in the past few days. With the new Vilayer update server settings were changed to Veteran instead of Regular. WDUSMC server default settings have been reapplied. Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks to Vilayer for the Awesome work on the update.

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As of now, US 35 will ban if you are caught server ghosting (disconnecting to gain an advantage while engaged in PVP), combat logging or debug forest killing.

"Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will be patched out, very easily, in a future update. The update is ready to go and will be released when the Beta patch for ArmA2 is out." - Rocket

Taken from: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029&highlight=meta

Be advised that all of our members are running either video capture software or screen shot software. In addition, I can pull server logs to match time stamps. And be assured that if you are banned from our server for doing so while I cannot issue you a global ban I will make sure that other server admins get your name, GUID and ISP as well as inform the DayZ staff of any infraction against their terms of use.

If you have an issue with that, find another server.

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I'd appreciate it if you didn't break the rules of running a server. Im sorry you lost your truck' date=' and you guys died. But you cannot ban for bullshit like you did.

Loved your old camp too.


Is this video suppose to prove anything OUTSIDE of your appeal? Stop being childish, All it shows is you destroying it once. As for the rest, its still words vs words. Keep it in the Appeal section and act your age. If you are even an adult.

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ShadowWalker is a server admin as well so he should be fully aware of the issues regarding server restarts with vehicle and tent respawns. We forbid our members to use duped gear of any sort. I can assure you that if you go back there on this very day, those tents will be upright, filled with gear and the camp site abandoned. The cords are 075,002. He's just pissy because his "unit" resorted to ghosting to try and kill off our guys and still lost all of his men. Dwel into that for a minute. Regardless, video game, not real life. Follow the rules. There are children that play on DayZ and they are even able to abide by that.

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To the william wallace face guy in the hotel in cherno. You may want to turn up your VON settings so you can actually hear someone communicating to you. Yea you killed me "buckfutter" but I heard you enter, drink a soda, and all the while, I spoke over direct chat stating that I had put away my axe and needed a blood transfusion, as well as not being able to see shit because of excessive artifacts. When you said "speak now" i did reply, i even typed in a quick "hi", and all i got was a gunshot. I dont give a shit about dying, but its kinda frustrating when I had been speaking and it had been falling on deaf ears because he couldnt hear me. And yes, immediately after i died, I rechecked to see if my mic had been operational.

Not whining, just hoping that in the rare moments that when direct chat is needed, it actually works (on both ends).

Edit: this will probably fall on deaf ears because I will never know if it was a member of your clan, the 1/9th or some random dude playing on this server, but I consistently play on this server because it seems to have great performance, (aside from this patch, where I couldnt hatchet a couple zombies even though my ping was ~60, and the blinding artifacts which I have to attribute to the patch)

Edited by ahyokata

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Wasn't our guys. Have seen you on the server most of the day. Best way to check in game mic is to chat in the lobby and see of you get a response. (That way doesn't matter if it's a friendly or not.)

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Wasn't our guys. Have seen you on the server most of the day. Best way to check in game mic is to chat in the lobby and see of you get a response. (That way doesn't matter if it's a friendly or not.)

Right on man, thanks for the quick reply. and this is just an after thought, but I was wondering if you have direct chat enabled on the server? Also, if I do chat in the lobby, who will hear it...will it be others who are trying to load in at the same time, or is that fed to an admin? I'm asking simply because the last time I did that was back in May when the loading times were pretty long.

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Direct chat is enabled and only people that are in the lobby will be able to hear it. No one playing in game can. If I see you on, I'll try to help verify if you are still have issues.

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I want to thank each and every one of our 1st Battalion 9th Marines members, also know as The Walking Dead USMC as well as all of the DayZ players that have frequented our server. As of today our server is 31 days old and we are extremely proud to anounce that in that short time our server has reached 45th position (98th pctile) out of all DayZ servers.

In addition, as of today our personal Website http://wdu.enjin.com/home, is coming up on 5,000 unique hits.

We are pleased to say that recruitment has been hard on the admins here. With the amount of applications that we have coming in, our game play time is severely dropping. However, to those members of WDU that have made the cut and have proven to be among the few that are qualified to join our ranks, you are making our jobs easier due to your dedication and commitment and we would not be where we are at this point without each of you.

To comemorate, the 1st Battalion 9th Marines, Walking Dead USMC is now in full recruitment status.


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