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Tree of death

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Date/Time: 1st July, 12:00ish am

What happened: Prone next to a tree. Shifted a little and the tree killed me instantly, then my body disappeared probably 30 seconds later so my teammates were unable to recover the majority of the gear I had.

Where you were: near Elektro

What you were doing: going prone next to a tree

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: ANZ server, not sure which one

*Your system specs: not relevant

*Timeline of events before/after error: not relevant

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This happened to me a few minutes ago, didnt see your thread so i made a new one.

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Had a friendly prone under a tree stand up and instantly die.

Another was prone between a tree, logged out and logged in. His character spawned standing, tried to go prone as he logged in, hit halfway and got stuck. He could move around but the rest of us didn't see him moving. He relogged and broke his leg, insta-dying a second later.

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Happened to a friend at NE airfield,

went prone to log out under two trees, they instantly killed him.

glad it didnt happen to me yet :S

zombies? no prob. bandits? cake.

but watch out for innocent looking carnivorous trees!

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The worst part: I was on day 16 or 17, had ghillie, coyote pack, L85A2 AWS, AS50 in backpack, M9 SD with a bunch of mags, NVGs, rangefinder, GPS and every other essential. Had my ultimate kit, and I didn't lose it to a bandit, or a zombie. I lost it to a tree. Then the body disappeared 30 seconds later, which took most of my gear with it. A friend managed to grab the NVGs and L85 but the last 10 hours or so have been traversing the map to get back to my former glory. It took finding probably 20 choppers before I finally got that AS50, and it'll probably take 20 more before I find another one...

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really somethink wrong happening with the game,i was runing forward and broke my leg right when i crossed some random tree near cherno.then i started taking dmg from nowhere,it was like 100 or 200 dmg each 10 sec or so,then i started bleeding.i used my last bandage so i had to suicide.

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Just another confirmation, but for me it was a bush. Crouch-running down the hill overlooking NE airfield trying to get a better position to cover my friend, and literally the second I pressed Z to go prone next to a bush (while running, may have been part of it - did that dive-prone though) I was knocked unconscious for a minute or so, bleeding with a broken leg.

I assumed a bandit had got me, but then realised I hadn't heard a shot, or seen or heard a bullet impact either. Pretty much confirmed it wasn't a bandit when I had time to sit up, bandage and morphine, then stay prone next to that bush without dying.

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My sister was killed by a tree, then I took her stuff and went into a house to get out of the rain while she ran back and I was killed by the door. It was a pretty epic battle.

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I went prone in front of a tree on a slope at prud lake, backward crawled against it and then turned and instantly died (with broken bone / shock).

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Tree's eat you. Don't trust them.

No aha but seriously, It's just a bug that will definetly be ironed out.

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i never died on tree before dude i think zombie that chased me did die which was weird i kinda laugh when he never came up

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Never managed to die next to a tree although I prone often next to trees.

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same here, just that it didnt kill me but i was shocked and had a broken legg whily proning next to a tree .. out of freaking nowhere :D

where: next to Polana, north street

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Happened to me today at berezino, got stuck running between two bushes so I proned to try and shuffle my way out and died instantly -10k blood. All on my farthest run so far too :dodgy:

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Just another confirmation' date=' but for me it was a bush. Crouch-running down the hill overlooking NE airfield trying to get a better position to cover my friend, and literally the second I pressed Z to go prone next to a bush (while running, may have been part of it - did that dive-prone though) I was knocked unconscious for a minute or so, bleeding with a broken leg.

I assumed a bandit had got me, but then realised I hadn't heard a shot, or seen or heard a bullet impact either. Pretty much confirmed it wasn't a bandit when I had time to sit up, bandage and morphine, then stay prone next to that bush without dying.


Same story as me except that I wasn't moving when I went prone in some bushes. Yesterday my mate experienced "Head banging tree's" what we call it (he went prone in a tree) and he managed to die instantly. His body didn't disappear so that was a good sign. He noticed that he was still positive 12000 blood when this happened, he had shock, broken bones, (no bleeding; but I saw he was) but he died instantly.

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What happened:

Tree snapped my neck(Got instantly killed, no bloodloss shown, bones broken, shock)

Where you were:

Below Gvosdno in an open field near a deer stand, 2 trees and some bushes in the open

What you were doing:

I was prone approx. 1.5m to the left of the tree, moved one "step" forward

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on:

de 78

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There is currently a bug where if you are under a tree and you accidently stand-up then there is the possibility your character can die. Just lying down next to a tree and not moving then dying from the tree is highly unlikely and the more plausible explanation is you were shot by a silenced weapon, or an AS50 Sniper Rifle because that weapon, though loud close up, is dead silent from a medium + distance and when you died your body glitched and was just underneath the ground physics (this happens a lot, more commonly with weapons and items when dropped.)

EDIT: Whats also worth pointing out is another bug. If traversing 'prone' over uneven terrain, especially rocky that causes you to sometimes break your legs out of no where and on rare occasions insta-death this is caused by a glitch in the ground physics. Possibly you went under some trees that had uneven ground physics which caused you to die so promenently. Just remember your the 1% :-)

Hope I helped,


Edited by CRUSADER_111

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I've had this happen twice in two days, in two different positions, directly under trees.

Don't try and blame it on not hearing a killing shot - the deaths give you instant -4000 to -5000 health, all from taking one "step" while prone or standing in the wrong direction under a tree.

Zombies don't kill me - trees do. I've died more to trees than anything else in this game. Luckily, I've made my way back to my body both times, and have only lost the ghille I was wearing at the time, recovered all other gear.

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Bumping this.

Time: 21:45 GMT -2

Server: DK 2


Was at *** with two friends and needed to eat, so we ran to the outskirts of a forest, I placed a fireplace near 4 trees, as it was night, I couldn't see the fireplace and took two steps back and began sweeping the dark.

Couldn't find it so I proned in hopes of seeing it below the hanging tree limbs. Instantly died, damage was around 14.5k. Fortunately my friends could recover my gun and all but one mag (another bug) but because of this we lost over 12 raw meat, a pair of binos (std), 3 blood bags, 2 epi-pens, 5 morphine, 6 bandages and some other "non"-essential stuff.

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