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-[KGC]- Overpoch|+50Features|2xFPS|GroupManagement|Custom User Menu|NewMapAddons|NoWeight|SnapBuild|InstantBuild|4Airfields|OverpochTraderCity

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Great server, very active admin, always improving and working on the server to make it good as he can....


                                                                                                                      ............. Now if it had Advanced Alchemical Crafting {here} it would be the Best of the BEST servers






Hint Hint..... Put it in already lolol

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This thread can be deleted by a moderator since I made a new one before knowing how to edit the title *noob me*


Best regards,


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The Server is nice, the missions are great for getting loot and having some action. Also the admins are nice and help the community if they have problems. The scripts and new Mapped Citys and Airfields work great together.


I like playing on this Server.

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Sector B now has a own fully operating mission and story system!

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ETA on release of the DayZ Story System: 1-2 days


It is a lot of work, please bare with me!


Best regards,


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