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johnny0964 (DayZ)

Loot spawns - anyone else frustrated?

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I found an M1911 mag in a police station...I think. It was either that, or the civilian building right next to it :P


No m1911 though...guess I'll find a fire station.

Edited by t1337Dude

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So what about person who cant spend wholeday on game ? I cant spend long hours just for rare gun but there is someone who can do it. example: You wıll get powerfull guns just because you have time and luck then dominating server or area. This is not fair. Wrost thing is searching for rare gun doesnt requare any skill everything completely depends on luck. This is not right !!! I think desing of this game completely wrong.

I also can't spend a lot of time during the week due to work either.  I play mainly on weekends and about 5 to 7 hours total at that. With that being said weapon spawns should not be increased to give me a  better chance at finding them because that would make them too common.  Plus if I happen to find a rare weapon it feels good to find such a rarity.  With that being said my favorites are not too uncommon, sks and akm.

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I'm finding SKS all over the place. Every other police station that hasn't been looted seems to have one, and I see them often in those small blue hangars, the one with the little 'office'. I have only found one Mosin since the update. Magnums seem to be abundant in fire stations, but I haven't found one anywhere else. AK101s and AKMs are easy finds in long barracks, with the 101 seemingly a tad more likely. 


My two cents, if you're a bambi looking for a gun and you're not that picky, find a police/fire station. If the place hasn't been ransacked yet, chances are good you'll walk out with a gun (or a fire axe at the very least if you're in a fire station). Not necessarily a loaded gun, but nobody says you need bullets to pull off a robbery! 

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 I was on a server yesterday where it seemed that someone made it their job to clean out every barrack and house on the west coast. Then eureka, there it was under a bunk small, round, and grayish in color. You didn't get this did you Mr. Looter. It's all mine now...the things I'm going to accomplish with this lamp (on-off-on-off). BTW The large construction buildings on the first floor corner (room adjacent to stairs) is a good spawn point when looking for pistols and mags.

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