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Fighting13th Overpoch Chernarus (40 Players)

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Fighting13th (40 Players) Server IP: | v1.8.0.3/Beta 103718[3DP:ON|CH:ON]



WWW: www.fighting13th.com


About Us:

The Fighting 13th was established July 21st, 2009 (under 13th MEU moniker before) and been active ever since. We have 100+ members from all over for the different games we play.

We have 3 active Divisons: Warthunder, BF4 EU/US and Arma

Our Arma/DayZ Division has been active for more than 6 months so far and now finally we have a server to play on.


Admin Team:

Our admin team consist of a few mature Clan members who are there to help anyone in the server.


Server Information:

Active, Mature, Polite Admins on server and Teamspeak

40 Player Server

HALO Spawn

300+ Vehicles

Regular Scheduled Restarts (4 Hours)

15, 10, 5 min server restart warnings

Regular Updates (New scripts/map edits)


Custom Scripts:




Wicked AI missions

Servicepoint (refuel/repair)

Custom debug monitor

No weight

Custom buildings

Deploy bike

Custom loadouts

Build snapping pro

Animated chopper crashes


Custom loading screen

Befriend Dog

Zombie Respawn


Friends saved in DB

3 Secret Military Bases

(More coming soon…)




The first 10 Players that join our server get a free Epoch Building Box to get started!

Edited by InsaneNapkin

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added befriend dog//Give meat to dog to make friends

Changed server restarts to every 4 hours //Better for mission spread

Added respawn zombie // Chance of respawn as zombie when died with infection

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Extended buy/sell range to 30mtr vehicle trader // to simplify selling at Hero
Save tagged friend to DB // Allows you to stays friends after restart. Max 5 friends i beleive
Doubled building allowed in 30mtr // There was a max of 150 buildables within 30mtrs, the amount of buildables is now doubled.
Added killmessages
Vehicle ammo now saves after restart

Edited by InsaneNapkin

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