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First day in DayZ

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Day 0 has been very enjoyable in this game. I love survival games and this mod grabbed my attention when I watched someone streamed it on Twitch. I decided to buy Arma 2 CO. Started the game and mindlessly walked into the nearest town. I quickly found myself face to face with a horde of zombies because I was stomping around the town looking for food. They caught me and ate my delicious corpse. Second character spawns decide to avoid the first couple towns and continued my way north. The journey was long. Saw the biggest town I have seen so far. It was Berezino. I crawled my way through the town and found some supplies finally. Then a couple minutes later the Winchester and a pistol. I ran away from that town to the safety the woods. My first experience was very enjoyable and I see myself playing this game for a very long time. Thank you for this game. It has been awhile since I actually feared for a characters life.

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It gets nuts sir, after 2 weeks of playing I can say I'm hooked.

But be warned, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will shoot at you.

Don't expect any humanity. My first 4 characters I thought I would try and group up with people and try and be friendly. But after getting shot because I had a can o beans those 4 times, and outa no where, with no warning, just shots, and people axing me a question, watch your ass, most people want it.

Shoot first, don't ask questions later...

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Just hide in a bush like me. Still haven't found weapons and low on food and water. God I love bushes...

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Thanks for all the responses and tips. I don't trust anyone in this game. So shoot first questions later is how I will survive. Unless they call out friendly.

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even if they call out friendly, they could easily shoot you in the back of the head when your not ready

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Just make sure you see them before they see you, if they are KOS people and they see you first, I don't know what options are left but to shoot them. Since if you run they can easily spot you and shoot you. Always best if you wan't a little team since it can be boring after a while playing SOLO get some friends and hook up with them or join a clan on here. (Make sure they are not a HOAX and kill you!).

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